What does it feel like to have a god choose you?

How do you know if a god or goddess is choosing to connect with you or is calling out to you? I’ve had gods and goddesses see me and call out to me without me even evoking them in the first place, Lord Shiva, Shri Ganesh, Sekhmet, and Amun-ra are all gods who’ve called out to me. What were some of you guys’ experiences for that?

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Hecate coming to me was the largest tipping point for me to finally dip my toes into the LHP. I couldn’t deny her presence or that she came with good intent, rather than the stuff I’d been indoctrinated to believe, however long ago that was. I reopened my senses in pursuit of finding who she was, what she wanted with me, and what it meant to walk my own path.


That sounds wonderful! So you practice magic then? What kinds of magic does Hecate help you with?

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She hasn’t. Her intent is more of a guide and getting me onto the path. There are other things I’m supposed to learn before getting into that with her.


I was going through a tough time last year and one night Andras came to me in a dream and told me he could help me. He came to me as an anime character, white skin, blond hair and white eyes and was on fire. He reached his hand out to me and said he would help me if I let him. I called on him the next day and he has helped me a great deal. He said he was misunderstood as a spirit. Said we needed to fear what he can do, not fear him. Whenever I need help with a particular issue, I call him. I am explicit though, and set boundaries because he can be very raw and destructive. When I say destructive, I don’t mean just physically…it’s more so mentally or emotionally for me.

This is how it is for me, it might be different for others.


That’s amazing though. I’ve thought about reaching out to her for help, but I haven’t yet for the fact that I think it’s better when a god/goddess reaches out to you first

Who is Andras if you don’t mind me asking? What kinds of things does he help you with?

Honestly, she was reaching out because I was too scared to do it on my own. Not crapping your pants scared, but hesitant enough to keep putting it off for years and not fully comfortable when I finally leapt. Once I did, I kept getting referred to work with certain entities (or they came to me). I consider myself lucky with that.


you will know, in my opinion, through feeling, or synchronicity, or both