What Do YOU Want To See In The Mastering Evocation Program?

I will second that, TheWanderingFool. :slight_smile:

Hey just listening to the nate bales interview and it occurred to me, did anyone suggest you include that special evocation of the four gatekeepers? Because I think that’d be badass.

After just doing a consultation with E.A. primarily on evoking, I am more excited than ever for this course to be released.

I hope there is video of E.A. actually doing an evocation, entering into the theta/gamma sync etc. Would be great to model that directly.

@Sacredblood_old The answer to your question is, no, EE does not cover the manifesting of objects. It is specifically about the art of spirit evocation, and its many permutations (group evocation, evoking multiple spirits at once, etc).

The Mastering Evocation course does cover it though.

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I’m curious however if maybe I can use the same principle :face_with_monocle: perhaps I can ask an entity to teach me…now I would support the man who brought me to where I’m at today but there are two obstacles blocking me from doing this:

1: I can’t afford it
2: and if I have the opportunity to save a bit of money I’ll at least try.

Again I would support him if I could afford it, after all he got me to where I’m at today pretty much…maybe one day I can afford and buy some of his courses.

Shem angels, Celtic Gods, Atlantean races, fae.

Of course, it doesnt matte,r since Ive been unable to afford anything for ten years now.