What do you think happens after we die?

This is very intriguing. I’m vibing it strongly

I use the hindu philosophy as model. In hindu model there is ego/the awareness of an self, the soul/personal unconsciousness/subconsciousness and Brahman/the universal consciousness which all spirits or entities manifests from. The ego is created (Bratma), preserved (Vishnu) and destroyed (Shiva) but as we know Shiva destroys so Bratma can create and that is samsara which we here in the west calls reincarnation.

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Do we have a choice?

So what do you think is the point of existence?

And what if we don’t want to experience ‘this’ universe, do we have a choice.

Just asking about your opinion/views

My view is based off science.

Science says: Atoms are energy. All things are made of atoms. Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed from 1 form to another form.

So I believe after we die we become beings of pure energy. I’ve no idea what that will be like but if you want to try and find out probably ask a angel, demon or deity as that’s what they are. Me I think I’ll wait and find out when it happens cuz if it’s radically better then this life I’d end up mourning that I wasn’t dead and since what I don’t know doesn’t hurt and learning if it’s better then life would I’ll just take a pass and wait my turn to learn when it happens.

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The point of existence is to experience it.

Not according to the theory of quantum immortality. If consciousness is the only true reality, as many spiritual traditions hold, then we will always and forever exist in some form.


i believe maybe we reicarnate,but really never cared for this.i dont find reason to do it.

Is it weird that I’d much rather have total oblivion and nothingness than reincarnation?

Nah, not really.

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That’s a lot easier than having to do life again.

Can never know if something is easier if you haven’t experienced it yet.

A few years ago I getted my memories back from my past life .
I had write it al down I feelt the emotions that she al feelt. But when you know finally you have a longing to go home and meet your family and friends .
This world feels then strange like it is a dream or and illusion

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The ancient Egyptians were the masters of the Afterlife.

our consciousness is bound at each quantum branching to take the path that does not lead to death, meaning that we must always exist somewhere.

That is true in particle physics, in the world of matter and energy, but consciousness is not matter or energy as we know it. It’s something else unquantifyable, like Dark Energy, or Dark matter, in quantum speak.

Life after death is a bit of a common misnomer. Life is associated with organic life, as in flesh and blood. Conscousness is neither matter nor energy, therefore life as we know it cannot exist after death.

I like to think of both mind as consciousness and ego, which we know exists, in the metaphysical sense. There have been so many testamonials about the after death experience in recorded human history, that it cannot possibly all be a farse, as some materialist Satanists seem to think so.

So my understanding of it anyway, is that this “life force, soul, conscious mind, ego”, is a dynamic special unique phenomena that is very different than what we explain in quantum mechanics.

When we “die” in our current reality, our consciousness immediately shifts to one of the other versions of the quantum matrix where we didn’t die, and it then becomes our new present.

That follows along the line of multiverses, string theory, wormholes, which at this time are strictly science fiction. However, we DO know that consciousness exists outside of the physical body… Even though it is the type of “energy” that transfers instead of becoming destroyed, which may not be an absolute law of physics after all, but the chances of consiousness continuing on in death, has at least an equal chance of survival.

I had a very similar experience. I had alcohol poisoning.

I was a drug addict, smoking a lot of blunts all day, and doing cocaine, etc

One day I finally picked up liquor and man… I started to rock and roll.

Well I was on an empty stomach and I ended up downing a bottle of hard liquor and, you know… I guess I was in a state where I got really fucked up and I ended up passing out and I was slowly dying…

Well, long story short I ended up dying for about 7 minutes, maybe a little longer.

But, I ended up coming back to life after being in the hospital.

I didn’t see anything, I just remember coming in and out of conscious a couple of times, waking up in the hospital bed really drunk… I remember apologizing to my mother, she was holding on strong, trying to hold it together, thankfully I was able catch her before she was about to leave.

In regards to what happens after you die… the most common thing that happens is that a lot of the times, you don’t even know you died.

Usually everything continues on as normal, but then you start to notice, for example when you drive home, you’ll notice that the usual stop sign is missing at the corner. Whenever you get in your house, after awhile you notice a certain hallway is missing, and then a room, and it goes on and on until you stop and realize… “ Holy crap, I’m dead “ and that’s when your journey with death and everything begins, sometimes you get a guide, sometimes you get a “ report card “ and you start to go over the things you did… some people sleep for a very long time, like hundreds of years to process everything.

I haven’t tested this particular subject to much, but I can say that, with older and more experienced magicians like Robert Bruce. You will find that he will tell you the same thing as I just mentioned.

I hope this brings a sense of peace and understanding.

Thank you

In my life time, I’ve had dreams where I think I was in the land of the dead. It wasn’t some fiery Hellscape though. It was more of a dark forest with a full moon hovering over head. The vibe was dark but peaceful, as if to say there were supernatural happenings going on but none of it meant any harm. The moon seemed to have some significance too. It seemed to watch over the dead as a shepherd would watch over sheep. It also seemed to bear the gate between realms too.

I’ve said this before, but I believe that when you devote yourself to a deity, that deity has the right to decide what to do with your soul. So, if you were to devote yourself to Christ, you could go to Hell or Heaven. Those who do not believe in deities, or who choose not to devote themselves to them, will simply enter that dark forest world I mentioned above and wait until their reincarnation. Though, if someone couldn’t control their fears or desires in life, I believe that they’ll go to a dark realm where they’ll be forced to face their fears or desires before reincarnating.

I believe reincarnation is a genetic thing. Meaning we can only reincarnate if someone with close enough genetics is around to act as a vehicle. In other words, you reincarnate back into your own family. This means you can’t be born into a rich family unless you were already related to them, or unless you’ve did it with someone from that family.

Hey everyone !
So I just wanted to share my thoughts & theories on reincarnation and the afterlife as a whole.

First off, if you have been lucky enough to astral project, than you have a better idea over anyone else as to what comes after death.

The astral world, spirit world, our existence as a whole is limitless full of infinite possibilities.
I believe one of those possibilities entails reincarnation as well as not reincarnating and ascending for further godhood.

I believe the true point of our individual existence is to actually ascend and become gods in our own right.

Because think of this: why would you want to reincarnate and rid your mind of all the wisdom you’ve acquired from all your past lives ?

I feel like one major reason humans would want to reincarnate is because of TRAUMA

Trauma is powerful and can anchor you down from ascending any further.

If you do your research, you will come to find out that trauma is extremely powerful, especially when it comes to altering someone’s personality.

Even the Egyptians knew this, and induced trauma on victims an order to create new personalities for them to summon at will. Which conspiracies believe this still happens to this day to create sex slaves and soldiers of war !

Trauma can make you into a slave, especially on earth if you keep going through horrific things.

I have no doubt in mind, that if in fact we did live multiple lives before, that were were all victims to some degree of trauma, which is why we make the decision to wash our memories clean, giving us a fresh start to (hopefully) ascend peacefully. I’m also not saying that is the only reason why humans may want to reincarnate but I do feel
Like this could be a major reason.

It would be fucking awesome to incarnate on a higher, more ascended plane of existence, keeping all our memories and wisdom - with more unity from the beings inhabiting that existence,
but it would be down right disturbing if I did in fact suffer from immense amounts of trauma from a past life that never fully got resolved. I feel like it would be impossible to move on from that, let alone ascend into godliness.

That’s all I wanted to say! Would love to hear your thoughts on this.