What do you think about Christian magickians?

I agree, the miracles of the saints (IMO) came about because this was a current which permits a human to embody godlike powers, as modelled on Christ. A Christianity which emphasesed that angle more would be a powerful and awesome thing for the world.


Power is power, regardless where it comes from. I honestly have no problem with christianity and magic mixing in terms of practice/one’s path. Most folk magic that has been preserved over the years (hoodoo, trolldom, Renaissance magic, etc) uses Christianity as a means to tap into power, as well as provide a sense of strength and stability.

The problem comes from the dogma aspect of the faith , but that can be overcome if one is willing to explore outside of them as you already described.


I tend to look for magick in various sources, and that includes Christianity.

I am a ritual-based person. As such, I see rituals and rites within the Christian framework that can be valuable to the development of some (but not all) individuals.

Just today, I was comparing magick with a certain common Christian rite during a discussion with a ceremonial magician. Things may overlap, whether we like them to or not.

I don’t have problems with Christian magicians. The older I get, the more I realize that magick can be found anywhere and everywhere, even when it’s not always recognized as such - even by the individual participants. I remember attending a Roman Catholic Mass (I was invited as a musical soloist), and I sensed magick in certain moments. Ditto for many, many other churches in which I’ve served as a musician.

Magick is everywhere. At least, that’s what I personally think. Whether you’re seeking it via Christ, Krishna or chaos, just open your eyes and experience it.

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