What do you do to protect yourself if you HAVE to be in the presence of someone who gives off really bad vibes

So there’s this girl I have to work with. She seems so nice and sweet, but every time I’m around her my heart and stomach gets all tight (like you know when your gut is telling you to stay far away)… but I have to be around her since we work together. Even though it’s been a year practicing with spirituality, I still struggle with listening to my intuition. I keep trying to reason with myself that it’s paranoia, or maybe I’m feeling competitive, but I don’t feel this way towards my other co-workers who are just as kind and humble. I’m also pretty passive, and we work in completely different departments.

Or I don’t know, maybe her „nice and kind exterior“ is all an act. But the more I think about her, the more I feel this dread and I just want to skip work altogether…

Not really sure what’s going on. Just super bad vibes that make me a bit scared tbh.

So has anyone ever experienced this? Did your gut feeling come true? And how did you protect yourself from the person’s energy?

Thank you.


Or it could be some past life thing. But either way lol

Shield yourself.


This is a good resource.


I was in a line yesterday and someone really gave me bad vibes. I then invoked Fenrir and the worry went away. The guy kept staring me dead in the eye after all that but a part of me gave no fucks.

Trust your gut. I’ve been given warnings about people I didn’t wanna accept but couldn’t deny. You can definitely shield yourself but if overwhelming, invoking a deity can be beneficial

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Agreed. Shield yourself.

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Call on Archangel Michael to create a barrier for you against negativity


If you want to try your hand at this:
Study how they’re behaving, and mirror it back at them. They will not like this and hopefully start to distance themselves.
Nothing menacing of course, as you’ve got to keep your job.
It’s not a fun thing to do if you’re like me and you hate to resort to such things. I know how it is when you just wanna do your work with no trouble, goodness.


Make a spinning gold bubble around you deflecting all incompatible energy or negativity that comes your way. Program it to run 24/7 to protect you. Allow only good energy to come inside the bubble.


Thanks so much for understanding. Going to try this if it gets too far. Thanks!


Yes, of course. Sometimes we need a wide range of defense systems, it can get rough out there.

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Another thing you can do. Program a ring or pendant to have certain defense protection and wear it when you need it. Having real object sometimes make it easier to put into action your spells or make your thoughts more real…