What do you do to ground?

Nah man you gotta return and renew to natural and motherly energy I get you dont worry haha. I be sitting in my front yard smiling at the stars imagining getting charged up by the earth and sending stress and unnecessary energy back to be renewed.


Half the time im like ¨am I really doing this sober haha¨

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Definitely any creative outlet, especially writing. Sometimes I lay awake at night with ideas oozing out of my head and I cannot sleep until they are on paper or the word processor.


I’ve experienced this as well. At first I thought I should suppress it and go to sleep. So much easier to write at least notes you can flesh out later in writing/typing.


It may seem odd, but since I’m busy almost all the time and I’m highly empathic, I step outside, take my shoes off, and stand on concrete.

It instantly grounds me.


Welcome to the forum, @AuroraMoone. Please take a moment to click the image below and introduce yourself:


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Walking in a park/nature behind my apartment enjoying animals and nature. The strange thing is the more I do with magick, the more I like being outside. My spiritual beings are there too. I see feathers everywhere leading the way so to speek.

Regarding techniques I do this:



or this:


OH yeah i see feathers too I´ve experienced that the more magick i do the better self-care i do as well I include getting out in nature as a part of that! :slight_smile:

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You’re right. The same here. Taking care of my body and mind is very important. It’s not easy because I’m HSP (High Sensitive), so I need to gain structure in my life otherwise I get off rail.


Oh and I love walking through our magikcal store looking at candles, incense, stones. Never did that before magick

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The way you view yourself will create your habits and thoughts. It can be easy, think about why you don t think it is. What would it take for it to be easy what kind of actions would you take or mindset would you have. I used to say self limiting things similar to what you said but it breeds bad thought patterns especially when we dont like the idea we are feeding. Best of luck friendo


Here´s a video talking about it, I found it to have an immediate impact on the way I view myself the guy is really cool and explains it well.

You’re absolutely right, thanks for the tip friend :slight_smile:. It’s the same as our vibrating level in Magick. On high vibration it’s easy to get the structure I need. On low vibration it’s harder.


Where is the vid :slight_smile: @Titan.M

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It´s hyperlinked on the word ¨here´s¨ just click it and it will take you there, it´s working I just tried it :slight_smile:

I am always grounded, perhaps too grounded for playing in the occult, but one excellent way to ground is pets. Stroking a kitty or a pupper will instantly ground you. Not to mention, relieve stress and relax you.


:joy::joy::joy::joy: Still early here 7.55 hours Amsterdam time zone. Thank you :slight_smile:

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What if the said pupper might or might not be possessed? :joy::neutral_face:

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I didnt even know pets helped ground! I love me some puppers and cattos I have a doggo to pet! thx for the tip haha animals are dope


You should prolly help it right? lol unless its meant to be…

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