What demon or angel I should call forth?

I have completed my class 12 th
And because of financial problems I’m unable to get my passing certificate from school
And because I don’t have passing certificate so I can’t continue my further studies
And When We go to school the head Is like submit the dues then You will get it
And The main problem is This
That whenever My uncle try something new and Is about to get money
Something bad happen and he didn’t get money and all
So every time it happen
My uncle is having hard to get success even he do so much of hardwork
And the family condition is becoming miserable day by day
It’s like there is no choice left except death
My love relationship, my family relationship become worst like few days it’s like Good but I don’t know what Happen to them That they change In a few months
And Not only that weird thing is that
Something bad incidents also start happening in their life
I’m really feeling low
No hope and Don’t know what steps should I take to make all things write
I get rejected by people if I go to do work
I think if it’s a curse Then Why people do that
I haven’t done any wrong to anyone and If it happen by mistake I was a kid
Is there any solution for this ? ?

Hello, I think you should work with entity/entities you feel most comfortable and most connected, either angels or demons. If you want to break a curse, demon Sabnock would be a good choice, even Lucifer would be a good choice but I have never called him, or if you want to work with an angel, it would Archangel Michael.

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Thank you so much I’ll start working with sabnock

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