What can you expect from Astaroth?

What else can you ask of Astaroth besides self-help and magic?

I’m getting ready to make a deal with her this month my feelings are drawn to her I want to call her and make a deal using the dom system using ritual 3,but apart from spellbooks and forums, what astaroth can provide to a man, my deal with him will actually be about sex, but can he bring me that, does he have such power?

Seeing people make deals with this spirit for money and get the money, love sex obsession, can you make a deal with this spirit to bind one person to another?


Astaroth is not only providing sex, in my experience I had met him/her with both gender but it is most likely to show as a male. He’s spirit of influence, power, divination, scrying, he can even guide you to your right magickal path.

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i know but i’m not sure if this deal is suitable for tying someone to myself


You don’t need to make a pact and be tied for life. You can make temporary pacts or just ask him to help you. The only thing I recommend is that you don’t make a pact using (signing with) your blood.



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The type of deal I’m thinking of is not physically signing a paper, I’m going to make a one-to-one contact with the spirit and talk to her that way.

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Signing with blood is a life pact, so you can’t give it up without tough consecuences

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That’s perfect, you can offer him some incense(sandalwood would be good) and a candle (green).


donating blood is not always safe i will tell her what i want and the room will tell me what i have to give in return.

my desire is to bind a person’s soul and body completely to me i want to be the only one i feel astaroth can do.

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I am speaking from my personal experiences, not with a pact, but giving them blood and using the demonolatry point of view. I don’t usually watch either watch movies or watch TV, I don’t even have a Netflix account, I don’t have an instagram account either. So I am just talking about my personal experiences giving them blood and worshiping them. I think you should not judge without knowing me, I am not either pretending or saying I am a know-it-all because I am not, I am not omniscient( I hope someday I will be). I am just someone trying and willing to learn. Have a nice a day. Thanks.


A little-known talent of Astaroth can also show you what you really want in this life.