What are your views/thoughts about the Lord and Lady in wicca?

Sometimes people see these beings/energies as still incorporating the christian god or even satan, just with a wife lol. Others see this as pure energy, etc. What are your thoughts?

Wicca incorporates so many things that is far from being some religion of the forest elves. At the same time, the Christian God and Satan as characters incorporate stuff from previous religions, and let’s be honest, it is very hard to make something Western without having a little bit of Christianity inside it in one way or another


I started my journey with Wicca at first. For me they are entities worshiped like Gods like any Gods from mythologie


Universal principles of male and female, yang and yin, light and shadow, etc

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wicca is a nice religion, but i feel like it also rips off from other things (as most religions tend to do)

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About 20 years ago, I REALLY wanted Wicca to be my path. I’d read Harner’s Way of the Shaman and was looking for a more natural path than the Mormonism I’d been raised with. The books I could get my hands on (home internet wasn’t really a thing then) seemed shallow and a bit preachy, so I set them down and started wandering.

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