What are your experiences with the goddess Hel/Hela?

Ive already done a search on the site for some info but id like to hear more from you guys, as im a bit interested in working with her.

Hel is a pretty helpful woman, she can be sneaky when she wants to be and not in the good kind of sneaky lol but still she reminds me of the Norse version of Nyx, helpful but still will find a way to benefit whether you know or not.

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I did something with her but I don’t remember what, not something very results-oriented, though, as I don’t remember nor failure nor success. She used to be the matron goddess of a youtuber I used to watch, but since I stopped watching that youtuber I don’t know if she still is.

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She is great, I love when I work with her, her energy is amazing. She has helped me discover a lot about myself, my family and my purpose. I found her in when I was supposed to I would highly recommend working with her.

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