What are some sigils for Eisheth Zenunim?

Im aware of the one by V.K but are there any others that work?

Preferably that are easy to draw.

Honestly, I just used her name. Both in English and Hebrew and opened it just like a sigil. It is a handy trick with spirits who do not have sigils.

Just use her name as a sigil?

Like write her name out and open it? Really?

Could I do that with Lilith? I know her sigils can have stuff attached to it and maybe this will be more direct…

Yup, you can do that with any spirit.

Remember, sigils are a new practice in the scope of human history in terms of interacting with spirits. So there always is another way to contact a spirit than just sigils


Good to know, this saves me ALOT of trouble. I can do the same with a few others then :slight_smile:

Anything you do to make sure you contact the spirit and not some other with a similar or even same name? Not sure when this would happen, but wanna make sure.

So this will work? I did sharpie so it’s easier to open.

Or you think I should make the name bigger?

I usually set up a ward such as a circle of black flames or the seal of manifestation to prevent that. You can also add something like “Consort of Samael” to help as well, as titles were used to point out someone specific out.

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I have some wards, Luna (the pony), and I did at one point have that seal…maybe I outta remake it…


And that should work, I’ve done it using flash cards so size does not really matter as long as it feels right to you

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Luna would likepy be helpful if I recall her specifics correctly.


I’ll call on her real quick, just to make sure. I already did awhile back but I dunno if she’s passive or needs to be recalled.

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When i was working with her, she gave me this Sigil and said I could share it.


Both, depends on you and your intent really. When you summon her she will automatically banish lingering/uninvited energies, (Nothing you’ve summon after however, unless you direct her to) and ward your space, but wards don’t last forever if not maintained.

I personally call her about once a week, others let her roam their home and stay with them to actively maintain their wards, some dismiss her each time they call her- in order to get better at sensing her and spirits. She pretty much adapts to each persons intent with it and needs.

If you summon her prior to evoking, she’ll ensure you get the right spirit and not anything else.


I try to call her once a week, but if i get busy she will just show up. lol It’s kinda nice honestly. I really like her.


So if I ask her to be passively around then she will? Can I also call her to me by just her name if she’s passively around, to ward and banish if I need?

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Yes to all of that :slight_smile:

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Many believe the alphabet are indeed sigils.

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The english alphabet?

ALL. At the very least they convey communication. This is something the literate take for granted. To those who never saw writing or know language… its more magical than given credit for. For some simple drawing or pictographs are spiritual/magical. Perspective needed.

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