Weird things and Chakra Meditations

Hi guys, so I really don’t know what to make of this, as I don’t normally deal with chakras. I just finished doing a meditation to open my third eye (my first one yet) I used E.A’s guide to opening the third eye and I felt the pressure building, my head felt tingly and afterwards going to the mirror, I could sense my third eye. It was just really this feeling of awareness that it was there and I could almost pinpoint where exactly I could feel it.

It wasn’t was happened during the meditation that was interesting though, it was what happened afterwards. So later on, I notice I felt this ache in my chest, towards the left. It wasn’t alarming or anything but it was there. Then I got this strange urge to do the Hindu chant for the goddess Kali. I usually do this when I need to relax and dwell in her presence and it goes like this.

“Aum Kring Kalakayei Namaha” so I kept saying this to myself and the ache eventually lessened. Then I heard a voice in my head that said “sing”

So here I am singing and I noticed that my breathing is a lot better, I can belt those higher notes with lots more stamina and strength and it feels like my vocal range has gotten a bit higher. (I’m a tenor who can sing in baritone )

Anyone know what to make of this weird experience or what it means ? I don’t feel the ache as much but when I breathe in deeply it’s there, albeit faintly.

So what do you guys think ? Cause I have no idea what to make of this.


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[quote=“Aluriel, post:1, topic:9059”]Hi guys, so I really don’t know what to make of this, as I don’t normally deal with chakras. I just finished doing a meditation to open my third eye (my first one yet) I used E.A’s guide to opening the third eye and I felt the pressure building, my head felt tingly and afterwards going to the mirror, I could sense my third eye. It was just really this feeling of awareness that it was there and I could almost pinpoint where exactly I could feel it.

It wasn’t was happened during the meditation that was interesting though, it was what happened afterwards. So later on, I notice I felt this ache in my chest, towards the left. It wasn’t alarming or anything but it was there. Then I got this strange urge to do the Hindu chant for the goddess Kali. I usually do this when I need to relax and dwell in her presence and it goes like this.

“Aum Kring Kalakayei Namaha” so I kept saying this to myself and the ache eventually lessened. Then I heard a voice in my head that said “sing”

So here I am singing and I noticed that my breathing is a lot better, I can belt those higher notes with lots more stamina and strength and it feels like my vocal range has gotten a bit higher. (I’m a tenor who can sing in baritone )

Anyone know what to make of this weird experience or what it means ? I don’t feel the ache as much but when I breathe in deeply it’s there, albeit faintly.

So what do you guys think ? Cause I have no idea what to make of this.

Maybe Kali wants to talk

What you are describing is generally called a Popping Sternum, which is caused by the rib bones pressuring your lungs. This, sometimes, makes it hard to breathe, while at the same time causes a “clicky” sound, or a “cracky” noise. While it’s generally nothing to worry about, I would recommend you to visit a hospital to clear any doubts of a medical condition.

Pain can be a result of spirits opening your chakras, too, and if you are a Clairsentient - ability to sense and feel spirits and energies on a physical level - physical pain can be quite common if you’re new to this ability.

[quote=“Dragon Crow, post:2, topic:9059”][quote=“Aluriel, post:1, topic:9059”]Hi guys, so I really don’t know what to make of this, as I don’t normally deal with chakras. I just finished doing a meditation to open my third eye (my first one yet) I used E.A’s guide to opening the third eye and I felt the pressure building, my head felt tingly and afterwards going to the mirror, I could sense my third eye. It was just really this feeling of awareness that it was there and I could almost pinpoint where exactly I could feel it.

It wasn’t was happened during the meditation that was interesting though, it was what happened afterwards. So later on, I notice I felt this ache in my chest, towards the left. It wasn’t alarming or anything but it was there. Then I got this strange urge to do the Hindu chant for the goddess Kali. I usually do this when I need to relax and dwell in her presence and it goes like this.

“Aum Kring Kalakayei Namaha” so I kept saying this to myself and the ache eventually lessened. Then I heard a voice in my head that said “sing”

So here I am singing and I noticed that my breathing is a lot better, I can belt those higher notes with lots more stamina and strength and it feels like my vocal range has gotten a bit higher. (I’m a tenor who can sing in baritone )

Anyone know what to make of this weird experience or what it means ? I don’t feel the ache as much but when I breathe in deeply it’s there, albeit faintly.

So what do you guys think ? Cause I have no idea what to make of this.

Maybe Kali wants to talk

Maybe, I haven’t spoken to her in quite sometime. Thanks for that piece of info :)[/quote]

[quote=“succupedia, post:3, topic:9059”]What you are describing is generally called a Popping Sternum, which is caused by the rib bones pressuring your lungs. This, sometimes, makes it hard to breathe, while at the same time causes a “clicky” sound, or a “cracky” noise. While it’s generally nothing to worry about, I would recommend you to visit a hospital to clear any doubts of a medical condition.

Pain can be a result of spirits opening your chakras, too, and if you are a Clairsentient - ability to sense and feel spirits and energies on a physical level - physical pain can be quite common if you’re new to this ability.

I have mild clairvoyance and clairaudience and a good intuition but clairsentience? Not really, I did remember one time telling the universe that I would love to activate my four Clairs so maybe that’s it.

And the feeling is completely gone, it didn’t make a sound though, it was more like a sensation that manifested physically. I never much thought about spirits opening my chakras but I will look more into that,

On a good note, It feels like I can breathe better ( I’ve never had trouble with my breathing but breathings feels nicer now, if that makes sense)

Thanks for the assistance!
