Weird question

So I’ve been learning from Lucifer this past week and I’ve become really comfortable with his energy presence. But today when ever I invoked him and kept him around I felt this new energy with him and it made me sexually aroused like almost to the point of painful( I feel super weird talking about it ) but was wondering if this was normal. I asked him about and he told me that my ability to feel the energy of life is increasing. Is this normal??:flushed:


Absolutely normal. I don’t know exactly why but I do know this is normal with him.


Thanks at least I’m not the only one lol

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I did worked with other entity and the experience was same. But after getting used to their energies you won’t feel it. There is nothing to worry about.

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Which entity announces himself with the sound of chirping crickets? I hear this sound during my meditation.

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The unknown entity

Unknown entity? I don’t understand.

I’m sorry I miss read your comment lol disregard that😂

No one announces them self with cricket sounds for me. I hear wind