Weird kissing sensation

Hi guys. I dont know which category fits my question so I put it in general. The last year or maybe even more. From time to time mostly at nights I get the sensation of someone kissing me on the lips. Did anyone else had a similar experience? Can someone give me a reading to tell me if it is a spirit, why she/ he keeps bugging me and what she/he wants? Thank you

Do you work with any particular spirits first and foremost?


When it started I wasn’t working with anyone


Have you banished and cleansed after these experiences?


I think banish ward and if it keeps up record the experiences for yourself so you can see if there are any patterns.

Too many possibilities to guess exactly what caused it. Rogue incubi/succumbing? Rogue parasite? An astral out of body stalker/molester? Over sensitive skin causing false sensations of kissing because of stimulation? False sensations from random arousal? There’s too many possibilities to rule out to say for sure what it is.

If you banish and ward you’ll get rid of any uninvited parasites and uninvited astral marauders. The banish will get rid of random parasites the warding will prevent reentry and make it hard for a random anything to come at you uninvited.

Taking notes if it continues will help identify what other factors are involved, like time of day, place, nearby objects etc so it’ll help you decide what to do next if it continues.

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Yes. I ask demons to possess me. I might have one around. Also feels like the kiss is inside me as well at times.

I think it could be a lower level entity not a demon. Cuz they do that kind of thing, give you the sensations of touches hugs etc. higher level entities are more conversant I’ve heard.

Once when I did some magick (wrong way wrong reason wrong mindset wrong purpose) I developed a possession by an entity and it started with me feeling it’s touched and stuff then progressed to possession.

I’m like 100% sure it was a parasite definitely not a higher entity like a demon. So @jbkbmz is you attracted a parasite and it’s trying to woo you into accepting it giving it your energy and then it’ll possess you but give you nothing but trouble.

If I was you I’d banish and wars then maybe consult someone to do a reading about whether it’s a parasite and if you got rid of it.

Take my word parasites are no good they can simulate touches feel good emotions sometimes even orgasms but all they want is your energy and mane to possess you and live your life while they shove you in a dark silent place where you aren’t in control they are and you got no idea what’s going on around you outside the dark closet place.

Back when I was possessed, mine shoved me in the dark place and when I got out there was a lady acting crazy screaming and shouting at me that I was evil. It left me holding the bag with no idea what the fuck was going on or why.

Please take the advice to banish and ward and do it not just once or 1 time or 1 day. Do it regularly on the daily cuz you do NOT want to have one shove you in the dark place and live as you without it being you doing you.

It starts out pleasant you think it’s a good thing but it goes south (bad) real quick (and if you aren’t strong enough you could get absorbed by it essentially ceasing to exist in the worst case scenario (best case is you have a permanent passenger in you up you can never get rid of if the possession progresses to the stage of complete perfect possession.

It is a bad thing so banish it. Don’t Give it a chance to get in you and then possess you til you get a perfect possession.

Add: believe me when I say it isn’t a demon and having it possess you is not gonna end well for you. All it wants is your energy and maybe to live your life as you without you having any control of your own mind and body. State you don’t want it recant and reverse your request then banish banish banish (and if it doesn’t leave find a legit practitioner to exorcise it out of you).

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I was told by a christian preacher, i have s pest sttached to me, and by an occultist more recently, i have a trichster on me. All in the last few years. One psychic lady a month ago sai she saw a demon in my car, that was not there a few months earlier

No i haven’t but I will look into that. Thank you

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