Wealth Magick Working Group For Extreme Prosperity: For Serious & Dedicated Individuals Only

I’m in! @Zyskal

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@Abu_Nasir. Please introduce yourself in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, as you were previously told to do. It is a rule of this forum, and failure to do so may result in the suspension of your account or removal of your posts until the rule is respected.

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Done. :+1:

Excuse-me for being too late for this.


Also very interested.
Happy to discuss but I can’t pm yet.


Sounds interesting

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Welcome @uonlyneedone. Please introduce yourself in the NEW MAGICIAN AND INTRODUCTIONS area, and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. It is a rule of this forum.

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Primer for those on the Path,
of riches.




Absolutely, lady Eva bang up. I once got invited successful, when I sew articles posted there I delected my account, because there is no difference with what is on this forum

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some insight into investment,
and fund raising.

@pop_wezzy Thank you for pointing that out.

I’ve tried to raise awareness towards that aswell.

The Person on the right, which is discussing from inside the Shark Tank view,
clearly used some low magick during the conversation.

Those with awareness for it,
will see it themselves.



It would be a honor to be apart of this group of elite people

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Glad to see you back,

@Zyskal Please send him an invite to your group then.




I’m in I love money

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I will do whatever it takes period

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Thanks I await the invite

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I’m interested in joining

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That’s something you always have to think of, never tell people what you know or what you can do

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And how is that enlightening by any means?
How is that not exactly the foolishness,
we so desperately battle,
for millenia now!?


It’s not wise to reveal all cards in the first round,
of course,
that’s true.

But without us,
here at Balg,
Spilling out TONS
of things normally not talked about,
where would you be?

You specifically?

Where would you be,
in your personal life,
by now?

And where would the Economy around you be?

Would you have access,
to the things,
you use,
to communicate,
about this very concept,
of simply holding back everything,
with me,
by now?

Would you have a Keyboard,
(or flat screen, in case of mobile use),
to type on?

Made from Oils, Metals, and silicates,
just a few hundred years ago.

Would you be,
where you are now?

Or would you spend most of your adult life,
working hard,
on a field,
to provide food,
for yourself,
your family,
and your overlord.



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I have manifested money before, I’d like to join the group :smiley:

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Invites have been sent to all those who PMed me!