Wealth magick square

How many times weekly/monthly to use this square?

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"Okay so before I answer your questions, let me address a few things first. I noticed that you ask a lot of questions, which is good, but it seems like you’re letting yourself get bogged down in minutiae. Most of the questions you’re asking have answers that don’t really matter, like whether you should trace the square or copy it…or the number of seconds you should look at the square.

hings aren’t that important, and I feel like you are creeping towards the common mistake of viewing magick like an exact science, where if you mix exactly two atoms of Hydrogen with one atom of Oxygen, you get water every single time. You don’t need to be so exacting and precise in your methodology to get results. "

I myself noticed these patterns, i make sure i evolve beyond that, and let the dance itself happen in the flow rather than getting doubted in every move

“You need to close the spell because at some point, you need to actually leave the spirits alone to do their work. If someone asked you for something, but they kept nagging you and nagging you about it, I’m sure it would get in the way of you actually fulfilling their request. There needs to come a point where you release your desire and let it go in order for the magick to work.”

Thanks for answering this question as it really doesnt matter if close it right at ritual or after wish/desire fullfillment.

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1)I think there was a intuitive doubting behind me and again verifying the spell

2)Ea in his new live just said that in that video they used square in a very wrong way and it was just experiment they were doing , that they shoudnt have burned it before it produces the results, and burned it aftwards only

3)Now how to cancel it or reverse it, or just again do the square but in proper way this time so it fullfilles that desire also and if the previous square had same desire and opposite effect so it cancels out that previous one also

4)But why would a spell in a diff way go like that for some

5)And so i also ask the question to myself that why burn the square afterward, maybe if we keep square busy with diff desires to fullfill , we can keep it always open just like humans or human mind ir whatever

And also to keep the energy some where

Btw where do you guys prefer to keep your square and if in wallet do you fold it inside ways or outside ways , and how many folds?

Is this link glitched or errorneous

Why clicking this

Lead to that page

How can a person down load free ebook then ?

You can download the free sample by entering your name and email address and joining the newsletter. You will then be sent a link to download the free sample. It’s only a sample, though, not the full book.

Brodda thats what i am saying the wealth magick page is leading to love magick page
After email is put there and emailing some spells related to love magick instead

Weird. I went through the main site and didn’t get redirected to the love magick book. Try this:

Nah nah its still leading me to that page after i put my email .

Btw would you mind answering my 3rd question in last comment i made in this topic page .

If you used the square wrongly, then you should destroy it, and make a new one. You don’t have to cancel anything out, as burning the first square would close off the energies.

Contact the help desk and let them know that the link is wrong.

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Okay :pleading_face::pleading_face::pray::pray::pray: you gave me some relief with that, as i did that spell last night and today when i watched ea video it freaked the fucked out of me

I got this mail that day

Maybe they want me to use love magick .

It doesn’t really matter. The free wealth magick sample doesn’t give you anything, it’s just the introductory chapter.

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Weird glitch

Here is an interesting combination to use:

If you print enough of them, you can even use them as joss paper as a petition in a burning ritual!

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Try it first, i dont wanna become ginni pig for another experimental ritual. Btw i appreciate your creativity .

No one asked you to become a guinea pig or anything else.


What is the name of the video this screenshot is from please?.

Please make Bank Cheque (Check) with square? Thanks