Was I actually visited by Prince Lucifer almost 3 years ago now

When I think of Prince Lucifer, I have very nice feelings, and I think that he is an understanding and luxurious entity. I always felt attracted towards him only, and I do not know why, perhaps for one of those reasons that I mentioned earlier, but I am not sure. I am also proud to say that I visited him once, I was reclining in my bed comfortably as if I had entered a moment of stillness and in a black area, but the weather was warm and I saw an object in the midst of that warm darkness but it did not speak to me and I did not know at the time He is Mr. Lucifer himself, but after a while, and after watching videos on YouTube about him, I knew that he sometimes comes in that way. An important note: I did not see it with my physical eyes, but I saw it with something I do not know what it is, something immaterial as if it was some device in my mind that received those frequencies and translated them into images that I saw rationally, but not clearly.

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