Warhammer 40k

I used nearly 20 different colors and spent 29 hours painting this. On any given portion of the model are about 12 or more layers of paint. This is from the Crimson Slaughter. He’s called a Hellbrute. As you can see his flesh is mutating through the hull of his armor by the dark vicious powers of the warp! And in the grim darkness of the future, there is only war!


that looks amazing :slight_smile: chaos always had the coolest models


40k has some seriously epic lore too.


Fucking amazing! It looks almost like a corrupted Blood Angel from 1st company. Please tell me you are getting paid for this skill…


It looks sexy HOT!! if only there was an Eye of Terror in our reality. . . . wait a minute :thinking:


sweet looking model. i use to play warhammer fantasy. I played with an elven army of dragons and eagles. i wouldn’t mind getting back into this stuff. honestly i think im much bigger into lord of the rings warhammer, because i love the mumakil model so bad, haha


Is that yours?

nah, i wish! if i got into lotr warhammer though, mordor would be my army, just so i can have 4 - 5 of these badboys on the field

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I was all 40K years ago. I ran Blood Angels, Black Templars, and Orc Speed Freaks.I can’t paint for shit, but that war LOTR war elephant squad and @BlackFlameEmissari 's piece are literal works of art. Magazine worthy.

I would be ecstatic to field them.


@BlackFlameEmissari C’mon, show some more pieces!!!

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yup, i sucked at painting too. Part of the fun was putting it all together yourself…but i wish i could paint that well because they’re definitely masterpieces . If i went into 40k though, id Probably rock with the necrons. I just love factions with a cool lore and intimidating as fuck pieces. They just have this, “dont fuck with me” vibe


Necrons are nasty. Hard to put down, too. Fighting them always felt like fucking with a field of T-800s with X-Men Shiva regen tech.


What about the Tau? Fish of fury anyone?


Ha! Glorified Imperial Guard :wink:

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I’ve only played a little of the actual tabletop, but I read most of the manuals. Sooo good. They’re works of art. I like that it’s all presented as imperial research. Nobody knows why Ork technology works. When captured, ork tech is just a bunch of crazy bullshit, lolol.

40K lots also has humans as the darkest most dangerous race in the universe. That’s great.

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No I don’t actually get paid for it. Just a hobby. If I had more time it would be cool to do commission work though.

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Ive always wanted to do a blood angels army. I used to have a goblins army for lotr a long time ago.

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I used to have an orc army. Orcs are funny. I like how they talk. The rts games weren’t that bad on the pc.

Ah yea dude Necrons are crazy. I like how they come back to live after you kill them. Their lore is twisted though!