Wanting a career change magickal help required

I’ve been using magick now for about four years and have been a mechanic for about 40 years and to be honest I am board stiff with it. For the last five years I have branched out into other area’s in order to earn money in different ways which is handy (and different to spannering and cleaner) what I need help with is when you do magick for money we put it out there with a Spirit or Demon and send it on it’s way and then forget it.
Great it’s on it’s way. what I struggle with is, all of the magick I do always ends up manifesting from mechanical engineering type of work and very little from other avenues, and although I still can’t see or hear Spirits and Demons I always know when work has come by supernatural means and whilst it is impressive when some unknown stranger walks past your house with their dog and 5 minutes later they have arrange for me to do £200.00 worth of work for them. it would be nice if the Demons and Spirits could just see the other stuff I do and would prefer to do and use that as a channel instead.
Sorry a bit long winded but has anyone had the same sort of problem or any idea how to re channel the power in to what I want without sounding ungrateful it would be a great help.Kind regards Herbie

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Try working with Halah’thor, from the book of Azazel. He has the power “to help you to establish a career that will not only provide for you financially but will also align with your greater destiny.”

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Thank you Darkestnight I will look into him and give him a try Regards Herbie

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