Wanted...x 2... A Spell for placing on items... Dust

Hi I was hoping that I could some feed back on how to place a lust spell on times that you give to a person or a regular basis like letters and stuff. Also have that spell excepted along with the item that is handed over to the person.

I cannot remember the name for this type of spell so I cannot search or post to ask for it lol…
Its is for when you make up some form of Spell dust or powder and you place it where the target or targets are going to have to walk through it. Thus it is going to effect them as requested in the spell. Oh and any wickedly good uses and spell you have for it :slight_smile:

thank you

a lot of hoodoo/rootwork uses dusts and oils on items to effect the targets. There’s really too many to know which you may have seen, and Idk if it was here or not, so it could be harder to find here than on google.

You can also charge the item with the energy of your intent, without adding anything to it, but if you’re not familiar with energy work, it may be more challenging than dust/oil you create or buy. You can buy them, but I wouldn’t. The act of making it will subtly charge the intent as you focus on it.

If you can’t find one, you can create one. I rarely have whatever ingredients are called for, and if it’s not ingredients that cause that sort of effect physically, they can be replaced. I just intend for the ingredients I do have to represent whatever aspect I am putting it into my mix for. You can even charge your ingredients with intent, call upon the spirits of the herbs that you have and ask them for help etc.


Ok that sounds right now you say it Hoodoo/rootwork
thank you

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