Safe Servitor for beginners, banishing, protection, shielding and warding

I appreciate you sharing Luna. I got the task of spending next weekend over my father’s house which is i know for a fact is riddled with parasites and portals. My step mother and step sister (when she stayed over) has experiences with shadow beings and a form that morphed into the face of a black dog. All activities dwell upstairs… mainly. Footsteps are also common. I have to stay there alone to take care of their pets and have been honestly anxious about it. The house always gave off bad energy… I will definitely summon Luna while I am there… I focused on her drawing and sigil for a little while and I have felt the air clear in my room at my own home so thank you. Seems like she took away my anxiety too.


Update on second day of using Luna. I’ve thought I seen quick movements in my peripherals throughout the day and I was just refreshing her while looking at her sketch on my phone screen and repeating “I love you Luna”. I felt the middle of my forehead tingle and as soon as I said my final “I love you Luna” and then thanked her my phone acted like it was dying and shutting down. You know the spinny white thing iphones have against an all black screen? Well i hurried to put my phone on charge and my phone wasnt even dying! It came back on at 48% charge. It just did this freak thing lol. Maybe thats a confirmation she came through. Never had that happen with my phone before.

Thought id give you an update. :horse::heart:


Odd lol. Sometimes the things we are trying to banish will do weird things in the area around us, I’m not sure I’ve seen anyone say they’ve had stuff quite like this happen with Luna, but it’s always possible if you’ve asked or wanted her to show you that she was there.

These two things are pretty common, I think because a lot of fears and anxieties cause some of the problems we are trying to get rid of, but also because she’s supposed to remove any negative energy around the summoner when she’s called upon :slight_smile:

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I actually have asked her to give me confirmation because I really need her when i am going to my father’s house. And I need to know if shes around for her big time to shine lol :rofl::sweat_smile:

I even went so far as picking up Damon Brand’s book to push myself to learn how to banish myself, which I learned a couple hours ago (sword banishing). So with his teachings and Luna I hope I will have an easy and uneventful weekend. My worry is pissing something off there while trying to get rid of it. I tried saging the house before I joined BALG and something blew out my protective candle I brought along during the smudging…

I might have to make a topic if I get scared so hopefully someone can keep me company or encouragement if I’m not having a pleasant time. :sneezing_face: I don’t like parasites.

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She possibly showed up as a light brown realistic young horse

That’s what comes into my minds eye

Immediately felt a loosening cooling relaxing sensation over my spine

I was going to make my own for this purpose but decided I really don’t need to, I’m over complicating it when she’s available and she can safeguard me while I strengthen my own methods for banishing and warding…

Will give me confidence I’m getting who I’m asking to stick around… one accidentally drawn, one intentionally but both I want to work with currently and am happy with them being around


Well I thought I posted in the beginning of the year and I didn’t :woman_facepalming::joy:. One of the twins called Luna. We haven’t talked about it much, but yesterday she brought it up, which actually brought me back to the forum. Her dreams where they were either terrifying or someone different all the time asking for help, have stopped. She completely credits Luna for this. She said she heard in her head Luna tell someone she’s not ready.
Adding: the poltergeist activity stopped. They still see a dark shadow near me at night; every night, which is driving me nuts because I’ve tried to figure out who it is & I can’t, but wanted to add that.

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That’s amazing.

Well it’s good the weird activity stopped. It’s probably unrelated to the shadow entity if I had to guess.

Not all shadow like creatures are bad, and it could be they just aren’t seeing it clearly enough to ge the details too. I personally have a shadow given to me by someone else, so while I always think err on the side of cautious- it doesn’t sound like this one wants to harm you.

It could be a guide or dead relative or something ya know.

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Yeah I automatically went guide in my head, but they scared the shit out of me one night when they said it was leaned into my face & when they walked into my room to use the bathroom it went away. They refuse to use their bathroom lol. I was more pissed they didn’t wake me up seeing someone in my face :joy:

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Ah well, I used to get spooked easy, and once and while still do if something comes I didn’t summon, and It’s not immediately clear what it is.

I can’t fathom why mean in close to your face tho, unless it was coincidence in positioning or to stimulate your energetic bodies in that area :thinking:

I can’t think of any reason to worry tho, especially when most of the odd and scary things stopped with using Luna.


I’m not getting any weird or negative vibes, but it feels as though I’ve shut down :woman_shrugging:. My energy work has been absolute crap lately, so idk what’s going on. Trying to figure it out though.

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Idk sometimes I go through lull like periods with magical things- but it is usually right before one of my senses becomes even stronger.

I do think sometimes we just try to hard tho. I’m more likely to notice and to feel, if I’m not trying very hard, if I’m just sorta reaching out and letting things flow around me.

Idk if that makes sense tho in my sleep deprived state!

If just keep practicing and relax, or take a break and try again in a few days or a week and see how it goes.


It makes sense even in your sleep deprived state :joy:. I honestly feel as if I’m blocked because mediation & everything else I’ve tried isn’t working. Gonna try a few things someone recommend and once back ok I think I’ll call on Stormy (I think I’m remembering her name correctly) since Luna worked so well. Thanks for everything.

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Yes that is correct :). I’m glad Luna has been working for you and your little ones! Best of luck.


I’m new here.

To summon Luna, I just look at her pictures and say her name or am I missing something?

I just summoned her to help with the issue of something moving around in the mirrors in my home and she bolted straight to the main mirror in question. The lights also got a lot brighter in here, like a cloud was lifted.


Could I get an answer, please?

This has been answered several times throughout the thread and across the forum, but yes. That’s it.


I’ve seen Stormy mentioned a couple times. Is she another one of your servitors, what does she do?
I thought I’d share something interesting that happened last night. I felt a tugging at my side while sitting watching tv with my son. There’s been an itch on my shoulder blade that I just can’t seem to scratch/satiate for quite a while now and I noticed Luna locked onto something, pulling it out/off of me. I guess I had a parasite I wasn’t aware of. It was pretty deeply entrenched but it’s gone now and I feel worlds better. Luna is amazing. Thank you so much for creating her. She’s lovely and a total sweetheart.


She aids in connecting with tribal gods/deities/entities/tribal ancestors of the summoner- sort of like Raziel can lead us to many angels and Hermes can lead us to the Greek gods.

Wow. I’m glad it didn’t become anything major and she was able to take care of it for you. That’s great. Thank you for sharing, it feels really good to know she’s doing what I wanted her to do- help people be safe.


Alright so, I have another little story to add to the list :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I’ve decided to call on Luna yesterday, before going to sleep and I said to her something like “If you find any parasites, or any negative entities around me, please take care of them”. I also asked her to give me a sign that she was around, and that she heard me.
Well, how to say that she was pretty quick to send a sign.

#Luna. And just know that I am not even sub nor follow this Facebook page, it just popped up in there. I do not even follow any Harry Potter stuff.
This is good, really :rofl:
Plus, I slept like a baby, considering I fell asleep around 3 am and woke up a bit after 7, and I feel full of energy.
Love it.