Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

1st . Firegirl water walker airswimmer.

2nd. Ethereal princess

3rd. Strong girl in some type of battle materal - armor with sword she knows how to use in her left hand

4th. Water behind her. (Swirl /storm)

5th scene. Wind speed. Away and behind her is a hallway White-ish walls… the to an open doorway to a black room entrance pitch darkness.
Then someone who I sense is you, of you part of you. Is watching and trying to catch your attention to come to her. She has something to say.

"Come back:

I sensed this a positive thing.
Something about you that you must discover.

Nothing else sorry.


I wouldn’t mind trading with someone.

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Nice, thank you. Here’s yours:

First I saw a dark forest and a path leading to some kind of small fountain embedded in black marble - the water there felt like a kind of oracle and was showing various visions of events, people or fate, like you can see almost all things through it, and I noticed that inner walls of the fountain are made of black obsidian or kind of black mirror.

I got a little headache and I had a feeling of a darker energy - kind of mysterious, hard to describe but felt very aware as if knows what is happening around and is able to see the depths of mind, intentions, feelings and hearts. Kinda witchy vibe.
I saw a pale woman standing on a hill - she has long, black hair, dark eyes and wears a dark purple dress or kind of robe - she has a small shining gem between the eyebrows that shines and changes colors from red to opalescent purple and black.

When it comes to Ashala, I sense again kind of magickal vibe and healing abilities, reminds me with growing herbs. Feels deep, intuitive and peaceful to me, a bit like moon in water.

Also I saw a woman with red hair sitting on a red, snarling dragon - I had the impression it might be your aspect connected to Azazel, but I’m not sure, just my impression.


I still got some time, wanna trade?

I think we traded already

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Really? oops
oooeee indeed

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as a travel into your point of conciousness the black tunnel appears and a star of light which is the path to your is opened in the casual realm,there i see a sweet goddess with bright colours but she is strong and mature a strong heart her body is white the kind of white find in the shades of yellow,i see a pic of you in my mind,you have short curly redish colour.

i ask if theres a message for you and i see all your magick energies and abilities like i am walking in a forest then my vision is turned into the darkest part of the place a dark well a small hole to the dark there you need to pull something that has maybe meaning to you.


Anyone wanna Scan?

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I would really really appreciate it if you could scan me? Ive never done it b4 but will try.:blush:

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I see a snake coiling from your feet up to the top of your body…maybe your kundalini energy? Which makes me think its very strong. There is a primordial ancient feeling I get with you its v difficult to describe, also getting warlike feelings but this feels old as well, maybe you are connected to something through ancestors or spirits to do with battles. I see an army of spirits at your back. There is one who stand out, longish hair and beard, he is “special” to you somehow, i dont know if this is someone you knew in life or an entity you work closely with but there is a special connection between you both. Swirling dark and deep blue colours. I just keep getting the feeling of you being very powerful.

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Can someone please scan me? I’m not sure how to scan but I will do my best to return the favor! I really need to know if something’s around me and guiding me, or if I think it is who I’ve been working with.

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I will try :blush:

I tried scanning you and just saw your response, ha! Thank you :kissing_heart: I saw a field of gold and a very beautiful lady standing in the middle of it. She had white flowers everywhere and was very peaceful. She had a white gown on. She’s ridiculously beautiful.

Further meditation showed horns, gold, yellow. She’s a horned goddess - I saw the words “Isis”, but thought “nah”, so I looked up any horned goddess. Guess who popped up? Hathor! And she’s also Isis! Roman equivalent is Ceres, which is a spitting image of what I saw if you google her.

Do you already have a connection with Ceres? Her energy is STRONG, child!


I see a large dragon, are you enterimg a new path somehow, a new way of working? I get Japanese type words that dont make sense to me, i see an old master again japanese, it makes me feel you may need to work on some type of psychic defense, strengthen your aura and have protection in place. I also see a beautiful Goddess white flowing robe and long blonde hair, i get the name Astarte…this is maybe something to look into, i feel she has things to teach you. Also demons associated with dragons.


I do not but guess who i’ll be researching tonight? :smile: your vision of the woman sounds v like the one i had for you!

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Haha, it does! I wonder if she was coming through for you while you were scanning me? She definitely stood there, as if she was waiting for you. Very patient, calm, but strong. The pressure in my head is intense right now, lol.

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Wow thats so awesome…not the head thing tho :smile:

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Ah! You’re spot on. I do need more defenses, which, admittedly… I’m horrible at lol. I’ve always been drawn to Astarte so I’m going to start looking her up too!

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Awesome! I think we both done pretty well! :smile:

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Do let me know how it goes if you try reaching out to your deity! I’ll def be seeing what I can do with Astarte and will keep you in the loop :grinning:

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