Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Forgive me, I posted without tagging it as a reply.

When I send out my mind towards you, this is what I sense and see. As previously stated, this is not really a ‘scan’ and is more of a sensing of the place your soul has journeyed when you are unconscious. I hope that does not disappoint.

The very first thing that I feel is moisture on my skin - it is a very strong feeling and to begin with I cannot see where it is coming from. The ground beneath my skin is hard and unforgiving rock - similar to solidified lava or granite. It varies in shade from the light grey of pumice stone to deep, almost iridescent black. If you fell on this stone you would cut yourself, no question about it. It seems as if a cliff-face is before me and as I walk forward I am confronted by a vast ocean with huge rolling waves - the tips crested with white foam, as the sea is restless. The moisture on my skin is spray that has been carried on the wind from the sea. I can taste the salt in the air and it reminds me of tears.

The overwhelming sound is that of the crashing waves, and I can feel their vibration through my whole body as they slam up against the rocks. However, beneath the waves is the sound of a harmonic resonance - it could be the wind whistling through something that I cannot see, or it could possibly be a woman singing in the distance. The sky above me looks mostly blue, with a few scattered cirrus clouds - but there is the outline of two moons in the sky instead of one.

What this means is up to you to interpret as this is not my place. However, I feel a strong energy in this place, and it is restless. This could be the place your soul comes to in order to release pent up negative emotion e.g. anger, or it could be the memory of a place that is associated with strong memories from your past. At any rate, that is what I see.

With respect,


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@AureliaMencargianis Please be aware that as a newcomer to this forum, you are only allowed to do scans in this dedicated thread, not in PM. We have a rule that prohibits new members from doing any sort of readings, scans or magick for others until they have been active for a minimum of 90 days.

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Thankyou. That is not a problem. I will edit my post.

I’ve seen that before in my dreams, your very accurate, thank you for the scan! I’ll do one for you later today, if you want?

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You’re up.

When reading you I get to your energy system first, I see your pathways has your energy flowing through them, they’re not too thin but not too dense either, your major chakras distributing the energy throughout your energy system and pathways, your chakras go directly down your spine and seem to be quite bright like glowing whirlpools. Your energy has this smell of burning wood on a fire even the sound often sounds like the wood crackling as it burns. The density your energy gives off is somewhat dense but not quite.

When I dive further into your energy system looking for your core it seems to be your solar plexus, being pulled into the whirlpool I end up in your soul landscape where I am in this stormy landscape that overlooks a raging ocean and there’s a cliff with a small warm down castle in the background, as I walk towards the temple/castle I see small orbs wisping through your landscape like will-o-wisps.

I reach the temple and call out to you and opening the door is a hooded figure his cloak is black with fiery red lining. He steps outside and there’s a serpent wrapped around his neck that seems to protect him, guide him. When I look at him he has symbols on his hands that seem to go up his arms, one looks like the infinity symbol. I ask him of his elemental energies and he presents to me fire and earth but also to a smaller degree air and water. However I notice he’s cloaked in dark energy but it’s not his it seems more like it’s external and might have to do with his working.

When I walk into the castle it seems empty at first glance but further inspection there’s a stairway going down into the earth which I follow and come to a circled room with many doors that seem to go on for a long while, these are his past lives, when I request to see the souls true self life he leads me to this place completely different with a glowing black whirlpool. I asked why isn’t it a door like the others and he simply states he prefers it this way. There’s another thing to note that a lot of occult looking books and symbols are here as well on the walls, floor, and such seems like fully into the study. After that he allows me to leave.

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Thankyou but there is no need. I do not require anything in return.



I thank you.

I will scan you back .
Not now but i will.

I would love a scan. However, I can’t ‘swap’ because I don’t know how…

Blessings and thank you @Lux_Anguis

A very interesting scan indeed…:thinking:

The white wolf is one of my guides you gave a good description of his appearance.

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Anyone interested in a scan trade? Just had some interesting work done, I want to see if anyone can pick up on it.

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Anyone here interested in scanning me?

So was any of that right?

So you know yourself in that aspect?

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Anyone interested in scanning me? And in return if you’d like, state you’d like a scan in return from me. Cheers!

I’m open to this. Fire away.

I just want a scan for this; what is my connection to this symbol?

I will return a scan.



I’m ready!

Your readings are absolutely amazing! :heart::dizzy:
Will surely be looking forward again for a reading again from you if you choose ofc. :star2:

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Looks like he flaked

Who flaked?