Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Yea I am seeing as that for sure, and maybe just maybe it stays that way for a bit.

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Do you know your moon sign and your ascendant ( Vedic astrology)?

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Iā€™m scropio sun, Aries moon and Leo rising

In Western astrology or Vedic astrology?

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This is what I am in Verdic

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how was the evocation of my angel? Did the ritual I did to create her work?

Iā€™m not sure my friend and donā€™t take this personally but I donā€™t evoke beings that someone just gives to me, for a variety of reason so I must pleasantly decline that offer although to evoke the angel you created.


Hi! I donā€™t really know how this works, from reading through it seems like you just kind of ask? Deepest apologies if this is improper or rude behavior, but if anyone is willing to scan me I would be very appreciative!

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can anyone scan me please?
Thank you

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I see dry cracked ground that looks like it hasnā€™t been watered a in a long time.

Everything is black and white, very strong contrasts.

In the background are dark mountains

I sense but donā€™t see some darker entities, I donā€™t think they are protecting you.

In center I see an old tree that has seen better days and it twists and turns, it has no leaves.

From what I sense you might need to do some spiritual cleanup.

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For you I see triangles in a black space.

The triangles are moving constantly, some fast, some slow and many have flowers that grow in the desert.

Colors I see a lot of gold, purple and some shades of pink merged with the purple.

Well, I donā€™t have a clue on how to interpret, It would be wonderful if you just in few lines give your interpretation.

I think it is building and setting up the area so it can grow into something bigger.

I normally see shapes when things are in the process of being built or rebuilt.

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Oh, okay! Thank you so much, really, I appreciate it!

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Hi all,

Could someone scan me again? Based on an earlier scan I want to verify who is around me and my dwelling.

Will return a scan best I can.

Thanks in advance ā€¦

I saw an emperor 2-3 people tall. It looked like a desert creature and was advancing in an environment of chaos. Iā€™m not sure but I likened it to the Paimon depictions on goetia.

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Anyone wanna trade a scan?
Not enough experience but itā€™s going to be funny

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Can I get a scan :smile:

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By the way, Im as forgetful as Ronald Reagan, so if you scanned me and I didnā€™t return a scan, feel free to grab me by the shoulder and demand a scan.

Thank you. When I received this, I was in a time-out for being naughty here.

Entity on a hat ā€¦ interesting, Ive been seeing shadow around my place and a feeling of being watched.

My scan of you:
An explosion like fireworks and flaring flame: Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue.
A vision of many faces, like the beast of Ezekiel or Dantalion(?).

Thats all I got, the vision closed.

Thank you again for the scan @Silverleaf

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