Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Happy my reading made sense to you! Thanks you so much, this was fun to do and read!

Your reading also resonates with me. I don’t live anywhere like this, but it feels right. In nature, I often feel ‘surrounded by unseen things,’ they come up to me sometimes and we have ‘conversations,’ sometimes I make lasting ‘friends’ that way too. The Devil card, caves, and bridge together also talk about another side to me I’m pretty sure. Yellow and Orange are actually seen on/as me a lot. Like all the time. So that was super accurate!!

Thanks again!


Can someone scan me?

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I a dark cave in the ground, it is illuminates by a single light coming from the top. Only center is lit up.

In the cave parts that I can see, appears water drops that growing the cave. I also see some crystal formations, that are very beautiful when you see them up close.

This area is growing slowly but the right way.

You are alone here, I think this is your alone place.

In the center is a large figure who is larger than life, really defined muscles, large bat wings. And a large thin tail.

A powerful presence that takes center stage in the cave.


I see sand dunes, and feel wind, the sand is patterned through wind movement.

Lots of gold and treasures around that look very anicent, I get the feeling they were gifts given in previous lives.

I also see lots of rugs that have very beautiful patterns on them.

Very middle eastern vibes

When it is dark the sky is very dark and the stars illuminate everything.

I see more things and landscape and not a being, this is part of your back drop.


i see that your soul seems to have many aspects i see a being of light that shines with all colors i see a being made entirely of darkness floating in an abyss.

instead of a scan i would like you to try to evoke the angel i created I will send her name and sigil in private


Interesting the cave aspect and the Bat like creature got me thinking that’s for sure :thinking: thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah this is one I’ve heard often about the balance of different aspects well spotted :slightly_smiling_face:

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if you want can you scan me too please :slightly_smiling_face:

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I see you in a Legion, of many you are a part of something bigger.

The group is connected, when one cheers they all cheer.

I see a flat nose and tore up clothing because action was taken and battle was fought and will be fought again.

Each person is wearing different gold body adornments.

Everyone is facing towards the fire listening to a great speaker

Everytime I try to see how many the crowd just gets bigger.



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Thank you, it really makes sense :love_you_gesture:t2::love_you_gesture:t2:

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You need a vacation. There’s so so much chaos in your life right now. I see the ocean on fire kinda like if there was a oil spill but There’s no oil. The water can not put the flames out. Even though it’s high seas and hurricanes windows and rains. No matter water you are facing your fire and passion will not be put up, but the chaos shows you need to take sometime to slow down, and relax, and just enjoy life.


Can I get scan from someone?

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Sure it’s actually really bright and sunny looking around you compared to what I seen in the past. Beautiful fields and flowers growing and Fertility (I think that’s the family) I think I see another little one a little bit out in the future too, not yet though. But the path looks really hopeful and really positive. You have done so much. Keep it up. I am loving what I am seeing your power is growing, your growing as a woman and then family too.

(Just wanted to add I was thinking she is going to kill me when I saw another little one :see_no_evil:).


Anyone want to scan me?

So glad to hear it resonates with you. I enjoyed exchanging with you. Thanks!

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I am still new to scanning, I dunno if it is gonna resonate. But I saw a brown dragon coming out of water, something like a pool and covering your house kinda protecting your house and family, I also saw a little boy around the pool being confortable with the dragon

Thank you I currently feel a deep saddness right now, my depression is back.

It sounds like my child is there, probably my family protection. Thank you.

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There’s brighter days very very soon. It looks much better then when I have done scans for you in the past.

These winters making it really hard. I am doing everything I can to keep myself together today.


Its probably because I’m not getting hexed

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