Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Wow sounds fun…
Well if I focus on you what I get is a dragon? @_@ similar to a dragon

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i sense your energy even more…i can guide you,but my first impression is that you need to connect with your divine more.

I don’t feel connected with it at all… Only times I feel connected with it is when I know someone or something is close to me, if I sense any other energies I’m not used to.

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you must be a very empathetic person and i had felt myself more connected near special people,in that case i meditate on my crown chakra and focus at the same time at the root chakra making a sort of energy exchange then focus on the crown chakra with the intention of calling and anchoring the power within.

you are solar deity i see you upon a mountain and near it at the right and left theres two minor smaller mountains at each side there sits minor deities sort of like your left hand and right hand men.


Scan trade ?

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I would be most greatful of a scan please! I will open myself to you so that you delve as far as you wish to go,

Love and peace!

I see fire and darkness.
Dark being with red eyes.
I see light and fire

I see within you the light of the celestial heavens, vibrating at the lower density of a earth being.
The dark shell of sorrow, yet the soul of a host of glory. You’re aura shined bright blue astral flames there is a power within you building as a pressure, I sense that you must release and use it.

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Interesting, seems you tapped into the more Mercurial side of it.

For you, I get the sense of gears turning in a clockwise circle, the energy is very mental and theoretical. In fact, Mercurial. Like Big You is Metatron? Big You is associated with astral projection, mental magick, shamanism and the like.


Would you like to trade? It’s been some time.


Yeah man sure

Thank you.
Trying to use the power to raise my clairaudience and finally be able to hear spirits


I see a hybrid soul.

The head of a Jackal-like wolf, a obsidian pearlescent staff. Ebon skin with one hand that is holding the staff, covered in dark scales.

The legs aren’t humanoid, they are something else, something I’ve never before seen.
Upon you’re forehead lay two jewels one black and the other white, coursing with a ancient essence that only the ancients knew.

Around are entities, they seem to be minions gifted to you by the spiritual alliances you have made. Impish demons of the desert, a seductive handmaiden. A underworld dark being, stands to the left of you.

Yet from all this darkness shines a golden aura around you, ancient hymns seem to echo through the lights. As if the further the light spreads from the centre (You) the louder the praise of song sounds.

That was very intriguing


The aspect of you that is expressed to me is Azazel, but it’s specific. The Scapegoat and the Angel of War and Lord of the Sabbat. Arming yourself and others with the knowledge of witchcraft and crafts to change the course of the world. Sort of like the more darker side of Lucifer. You’ve learned to wield the different aspects both simultaneously and independently, which is interesting. Big You’s aura is expressed as an iridescent black light, similar to how a flashlight projects light from its lightbulb, which is an important detail because it involves showing what is hidden in the shadow of the human condition. But I’m also being shown this purple-black fire, which is important but I’m not being told why.

It would seem there is a role for you to play soon.


Fingers crossed, hoping dark matter, Nyarlathotep and Lucifer are teaching me to manipulate that.

That is intriguing indeed. I’ve been getting into some really dark and ancient stuff. Stuff even the ancestors feared.


Have you ever worked with Osiris ? @itsnathanm7



Can I use the blue astral flames of my godform to open my chakras?

To open chakra’s the best energy I’ve found is prana. The force of creation that is in even the air we breathe, it is a bright light.

It is life, it is spirit, soul and the creative fire of existence. Breathing that in through pranayama, directing it to the chakras, vibrating the associated mantras and then combining that with yogic asanas create powerful synergy to open the chakras.


There’s a blinding white light that obscureres everything I try to look at. A tan arm with bracelets of gold and red gems smashes through the light like it was glass? It dissolves into a black aura.

Transitions to a temple in the dessert. The same figure is cutting up his hand. Tall male in a red and black cloak. Highly attractive. Collects the blood into a vial and tosses it into a fire pit. This creates several flame spirits that exit the temple and spread out into neighboring cities.

“People are strange” By the doors started playing in my head near the end, but that may not be related.


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