Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Hmm I think so

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Have i scanned you yet? I dunno but go an scan me


Why not:

I see your consciousness in a vast black void.

In it hovering three in a row black littered flames.

Over it a fierce dragon with glowing read eyes whoā€™s nostrils are excluding hot steam. (Pranajam exercises, transformation of sexual energys?)

Under the flames is an erect hermes Wand. With one black wing and one white wing. Over it glows a purple sphere in it a blue and beautyfull eye. I sense you recently expiriences a bliss third eye expirience or this about to happen if not.

A Fire Demon is watching and guiding you.
Also a high seraphim.

The stairway to heavens and hell a open but all these stages comes as a cycle in your work. I get the feel it is like high alchemy fusing both sides of lower and higher realms also meaning internally as of externally.

To expirience true unlimited power personally and unpersonally.

Are you into some personal Taoism ey?

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Holy shit. Thanks and good job

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No probs :wink:

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I have been working with ascending flames meditations adapting it to my form, more eastern martial arts, taiqi style

I often meditate in the dark and defend I to the abyss and will try to shine with my own light.

I do darker, aka stoic negative visualizations.

I am working on kundilini and taoist sexual energy and demand retention style.

I was inducted into a hermetic initiation as well as read Franz bardons books


Curious, do you know the name of the demon and seraphim?

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Up for a scan trade? Feel free to scan me whenever.
Iā€™ll scan you in a few hours, I meditate around midnight when its quiet and peaceful.

Anyone else wanna trade, scan me or tag me and I will scan in a few hours.


In a few hours perhaps. @Nostre or even tomorrow, as itā€™s getting late by me. Depending on if you want to do a detailed trade scan or general.

Nvm I can scan now:

First when scanning you I see a triangle, when going through this triangle (almost like a gateway) I see a large serpent/lizard like body in moving in motion. Within a rocky area, cave like or even underground. Itā€™s dark. The being/creature moves effortlessly within itā€™s surroundings with confidence.

When scanning your energy, feeling wise I get:

Your energy predominately feels dark and feiry but not hot like fire. When trying to feel your energy I feel hard rock and interestingly enough a liquid like sensation , while seeing a ā€œlavaā€ image wise to represent this feeling. Again important to note, your energy doesnā€™t come off as hot/burning despite what I feel/see.

I also before ending the scan, saw the image of horns - looked similar to Ox or bull type horns. Big too. Just for an idea of what the horns image-wise looked like, not the body.

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Scanning you I see a young man with black hair, pale skin, wearing dark purplish shorts, and a vest, with a thin medium length tail.
Heā€™s sitting on a rock facing a lake that has some very dark waters, the shore isnt to far behind him, the waning moon shining down on the lake. Beyond its shore is pitch black fog.

You feel very intune with nature, and darker energies.
Im picking up some dark energy that seems to be slowly getting stronger and more potent. I also see some boulders levitating, earth energy. Weird visual lol.
I also have the feeling you would benefit from working with Lunar energy. Itā€™s quite calming and soothing I find.
Iā€™m being shown your energy pathways are slowly getting bigger, I dont see any damaged areas.

As for the scan you gave me, I actually dream about the first part being a serpent and moving underground. Itā€™s funny watching people get lost sometimes.
My main element is Dark, second is usually described as fire. Lava is a first but I do have connection with it.

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Thanks, for the scan! I feel it was accurate, especially with the earth energy and dark energy.

Have heard about the lunar too, Iā€™ll look into it.

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Well the demon I have the feel was one of the many djinns of iblis so it wouldnā€™t be necesseraly be a demon bc itā€™s Form was pure fire and smoke (I donā€™t get for now from other people the names of theyr spirits mainly bc they donā€™t want to tell me or show me who they are as a name only the presence or I am not for now able to)

The angel is from fourth layer of heaven Wich name is so complicated that I didnā€™t get it mainly bc it isnā€™t a mainstream known one but is assigned to you. Like it really would be a long name if it would be comprised in their art of communication translated in our type of alphabet.

Would you mind scanning me in return?


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@Lux_Anguis intrested in trade?

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I am.

So wellā€¦

I see yourself in an infernal plane the skyā€™s are vastly illuminated by orange and blood red light. There is a ever stuck golden sun on the horizon never fully rising as it would be in the morning hours.

I see pastel purple flames surrounding me in a fashion like the Bible myth when sesoM split the waters but it is only purple fire inferno.

The ground is bronze in color and in shine, and clay like, as the feel. It looks like liquid bronze but in the form of melted haselnut chocolate when the little haselnut droplings are showing up on the surface in the process of melting it. to be honest it looks brilliant when the golden rays are hitting on it.

And at the end of the splitting purple fire is see your struggling golden soul on a solid mountain like led foundation who looks roughly edged on the beginning part but the further above you look it foorm into an even Quader pillar Form and glittery. At the top of the pillar over the splitted purple inferno I see clear blue sky over your struggling soul.

The souls magnetic and energetic field looks really slow progressing but it has quality and poison in it.

The quality on its strong shining color transferring almost into gold and have a established magnetic and wierling field surrounding it. But at the same time in its natural mechanisation of it it consumes old deep black almost like red but soo deep dark red that it comes of as black poison like substance like age old liquid of hindrance and dross when it comes to spiritual progression and this deep black red color is like the dross who is holding it back.

The black red dross is also slowly I mean really slowly sipped away by your magnetic field but I promise you if the dross surrounding your soul is completely deminished or on a good level clear. You will get some sort of sidhi (supernatural power) that you personally will know what it is.

So go on donā€™t give up pursue your spiritual goal to its infinity there is no holding back you make good progression I really feel it. And when not it surely comes my friend!

My interpretation. The color layered atmosphere of first red than orange indicates you have mostly cleared and mastered these Chakras root and navel. But the Sun your brilliant soul is making progress but it isnā€™t fully developed due to its dross. That means not rising stuck in the beginning no rising sun in the morning but one can clearly see it.

The clear blue sky over the soul sphere indicates you see your own godly vision and you know damn well where it is headed what you must do there is no confusion.

The purple or violet inferno is like the spiritual burning vision that drives you and had driven you so much that you make this vision dream inspiration unto (the crown Chakra than unto third eye) a reality thus why you splitted whit all your will power and passion the inferno apart to get on this pillar like mountain and do your work so into reality, something solid.

The soul is the Manipura Chakra this is the heading point for you I feel for your own personal supernatural gain.

It comes to me like the age old alchemy working of turning lead into gold am I correct?

Ya I am.

But can you do first I really must take a break. I allready did one.

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Thank you :blush:

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You seem to be able to scan very well! :slight_smile:


Scanning you I see a castle made of a black stone, onyx Iā€™m thinking, it has veins of gold as well.
The sun is rising and the sky looks pink at the moment, the grounds of the castle looks well kept and healthy,
Average green grass, some very ominous forest surround the clearing and a small river behind the castle.

I see a man sitting on a throne, heā€™s wearing a black suit with a gold pocket watch, short black hair and wearing dull gold crown. A sword is to your left side, its handle is well worn and itā€™s quite obvious itā€™s still cared for and used from time to time. Itā€™s also been heavily enchanted I can see glowing symbols on the sword but not any that I recognize.
Despite your alchemical and more magick inclined work you could still kick someoneā€™s ass in a sword duel.

To his right I see a laboratory, about to begin some interesting projects and some alchemy. Everything appears to be clean, quite a few books and scrolls on the book cases and a dark brown almost black robe. Also a cauldron is ready to go. Your next project your all set up for
Heā€™s showing me his ability to better manipulate energy and the elements. In his left hand he holds a ball of dark energy itā€™s very condensed and would pack one hell of a punch.

You also have fiery energy as well, strong hot flames more white at the core. Your energy channels are pretty good size, that tells me you dont let demons do all the heavy lifting for you.
Your starting to shoo me out, apparently you want to get back to work and start your next project.