Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

I’ll match my scan to yours,

I see darkness and through it I see a cresent moon. There’s a grey dense fog - and within this a dark silhouette standing. But almost crouched down on one knee.

I feel a sense of secrecy. A sense of urgency and hidden desires.

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If anyone’s up for a more detailed scan I can trade back :slightly_smiling_face:

I absolutely loved this reading. Tapping into your energy, I sensed a solitary, free-spirit who is deeply connected to the earth, the spirits that dwell within it and those that care for the natural realm behind the veil. You seem to have a joyous character who thrives on being alone, with the ability to blossom all year round, both night and/or day, a strong intuition and a yearning for knowledge. I hear music bellowing loudly, while you dance like a nymph alone in the forest until you end up in a wild,frenzied state.

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Thank you.

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If anyone’s up for a soul dive/scan then I can trade. Might also be interested in the health of my energy body as well.


Im interested in receiving a scan from someone knowledgeable in vampirism and can pay in kind.

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Sorry, I’m still trying to figure things out on that department for me. I could try but I’m no expert.

I’m okay at scanning, it’s just vampirism I’m not so knowledgeable on.

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Thats okay thanks for being honest. I have to pass this time then.

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Well if anyone’s up for it, I’d like to do a trade soul scan/dive.

can someone do a soul scan on me?

Can someone give me a reading please?

If anyone is interested in a scan trade, im interested in a soul scan.

Can someone do a reading or scan on me? Unfortunately i do not know to scan.

Before I will go on for my second demonic channel Grimoire. I think why not do a scan again.

Who is interested in scanning me? I for sure scan back.

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What type of scan are you interested in? The soul scan?

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I could use a soul dive but cannot scan back

Also interested in a soul scan/dive trade.

@anon48079295 up for a trade sometime?

The whole package I give than the whole back.

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Well I’ll match your scan, not sure what you mean “whole package” - that’s general?

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