Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

When scanning you I get this very bright white light, not like angelic energy or anything but very neutral and white, it feels cold however. There’s this muffled sound coming from the energy like when you are underwater, the smell of it seems close to static-y if that makes sense. When I call to you this robed old man comes out of the blinding white light. He looks adorned in this white and gold trimmed robe, his eyes have no pupils just pure milky white eyes and a long full white beard and white hair that kind of flows down his shoulders. Each step he made the muffling became almost like a beat of a drum, at his feet the ground looks like it glows with each step, when he stopped I saw what looked like energy flowing from his palms and wisps from his eyes. When he looks at me it’s almost as if he was analyzing me, looking deep into me, around him there was these wisps of energy that seemed to float and follow his command almost as if they were his subordinates, they had no form currently but when I tried to see them I heard a voice that echoed around telling me that this is only the form they want me to perceive them as, after that the light around us got brighter and the scan kind of ended.

That’s the second time someone has mentioned an old man in robes. I guess I’m an old man at heart. :joy:


When scanning you, I hear these little electronic beeps. It’s dark all around me save for a single light. It gets brighter as I approach it. On the other side, there’s a room full of Greek pillars and a tall humanoid figure.

He wears a helmet that almost looks like a crown. The rest of his body is silver. He holds two swords and seems to be holding still, as if there’s no reason for him to move.

Suddenly, he looks at me and tells me to get out. The scan ends there.

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Yes please

I saw a blonde woman in a white dress near flowing water with a full moon in the sky. She kind of looked like this

The name Minerva came through as well.


Thank you. I saw her with blonde hair as well.

I feel strong, deep, dark energy, kinda serious, determined and cold, even a bit strict. Feels very confident and ready kinda like “man of action” always ready and focused to finish their plans and find a new orientation of his work or influence. Doesn’t like stagnation, always needs a new space to explore and essence to make him stronger. Also, I sense kinda strong warrior vibes. In my vision I see mainly blackness and has energy similar to obsidian.

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Thank you.

I’ll trade

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Okay I’ll do yours :blush: @anon48079295

I saw a beautiful scenery within a forest. I saw a white stag looking at me with jet black eyes with bone white antlers. The stag’s aura glowed very white and it was calmly looking at me. I saw a rider on top of the stag and the rider looked a persian warrior with a beautiful black and gold armor. His eyes were two white stars and everything else was black. I even found an almost exact image of this rider! But its armor was way darker with gold. And his face was hidden.

trade scan?

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Down for a swap if you don’t mind waiting a bit.


I’ll do yours here in a second just got home from work

Can i get one?

Could I get a scan? :smiley:

I havent done this before, but i’ll try to scan you back if I can!


Okay, When I scanned you I got this very thick grey mist and the area was full of dead trees, but it had a certain aesthetic to it, kind of peaceful but also kind of mournful. It reminds me of Thanatos and how he’s the God of Peaceful death. However, here there’s a strong undertone of feminine energy, deathly but also has that hint of life. Even though there is a strong feeling of death I see this bright light and from it, this woman shows up. She looks similar to this but minus the crown and her hair is black.:

When she approached me there’s this cold energy radiating off her but the odd bit is that there’s this underlying warmth to her, she has this very interesting glow to her that makes me think of Aether/Life but the cold makes me think of death/slumber. She gives me this vibe that she has a hand in life and death, not one more than the other but a “perfect” balance of the two, maybe something like a fate? or the embodiment of fate in some form.


I dont know how to scan , but as i readed part of scans i became verry interested, can anyone scan me , it would be honor for me and im curious as hell :fire::point_up_2::point_down:
Thank you in advance :fire:


Trade scan ? It’ll be my first attempt at this :slightly_smiling_face:


Fire a being made of fire, yellow, red, orange. I only see the top half of it, it’s massive. What can you show me Migtukas22,s God form, it opens a portal, I step through.

I’m in a dark hall it seems all black, there’s statues lined up on the left and right holding weapons. Spears, swords, axes.

There’s something at the far end sitting on a throne shrouded in darkness.
“I ask that you reveal yourself.”
The darkness fades and a being with silver armour presents itself, it picks up its weapon which is a trident and stands before me. This silver armoured knight is 5 times as big as me in size.

It waves its trident in a circle creating a ripple of flames and sends me back through the portal. The fire entity laughs as it creates more flames and disappears.

Looked kinda like this but with more fire and flames. :fire::fire::fire:
Knight kinda looked like this but bigger.
And there’s the weapon being wielded.

I’ll have a go. Micha


Dark lord god of underground. Sphinx hunter. Arrow head.
Feather white.
Blood on white feather.
Tall standing man in black. Shadows are Hungry

Walks away.
At desk with deck of cards. Black Jack.
“I am a dark man but I am more”
Holds up hand palm out facing -right palm- light coming from hand
Light surrounds and inside/ under the cloak.

Knife blooded chicken.
-----golden orb-----
Standing and coming into focus looking paler skinned pale eyes stepping back into the shadow.

Golden orb.
That’s it

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