Want to see your living soul inside of you? - Be scanned and Scan back! (No tarot or channeling please)

Eh fair enough. I know I lead legions as part of my job as a goetic. I dont really understand why anyone would want to lead legions lol. Its very stressful leading a shit ton of people and caring for them.

I did’nt quite think of that lol. I’ll just use a nickname, something meaningful instead of my true name.
Thank you for your time Velenos. I hope you have a good day. :grinning:

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I saw an image of you constantly thinking of yourself in coffins , that is , constantly thinking of yourself dying , but this was just a test by your guardian spirits to better you as a man

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@anon48079295 can I get a soul dive read? I’ll read back I’m just interested.

No problem, besides most my soul dives is exploring the soul landscape and inner temple to get varying information from it lol.

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You’ll have to give me a bit to get into the mood, but sure.

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No rush but thank you.

Huh, maybe one day I’ll trade you a scan for one of those. It sounds interesting, and I always wondered what my true self looks like.

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Would anyone be kind enough to scan me? I’d love to :blush: I’m working with some demons and I feel their protection …

I saw an image of you practicing demonic rituals , but you bypassed the usual protocol , the safety circle and robes and things of that nature , and you seemed to trust these demonic entities so much so that you were more concerned with being friendly than being safe , the words came to mind “ this type of relationship is good for some , if he can keep up the good will and good relationship , otherwise these spirits will cause you terrible problems “

@anon48079295 can u dive into my soul ?

Wow it matches perfectly! Do you think it was advice?

The part within quotation marks is advice to some extent


When scanning you I come to see your energy as this bright orangish red energy that seems to be in a gaseous state at the moment, but there’s this dark energy that’s trying to mask your energy, it’s not your own but it seems like it’s trying to keep people from seeing you/scanning you. It’s not as thick but more like a thin darkened layer. Moving past it however I see that your energy gives off this gentle heat, almost feels like it has natural healing properties to it or regenerative properties. When I look at your entire chakra system it follows the layout that goes down your spine for your majors with your minor chakras aligning your pathways. Your chakra system has this darker red protective layer around it and I see no real stagnation in your system as it looks like it’s ‘burning’ any kind of dirty energy out before it can fully stagnant.

The sound your energy makes is akin to a heart beat, a stead heart beat, it has this smell that reminds me of spring, going further into your energy I come to see your core which looks like this:

but more refined, the rotation looks slow with a heavy sensation around it, going further into your core I find myself in your soul landscape which looks like a large clearing with a single large tree, approaching the tree I use your username to announce my presence here, what comes is a large phoenix, the feathers on it’s head looks something like a small crown and when it comes to land it takes a humanoid form with large phoenix wings and a long red dress with jet black hair.

I requested to see what elemental energies exist within your energy as a whole and you spiritual manifestation shows me solar energy then fire. I mention the thin layer of dark energy cloaking your energy prior to getting here and she goes on to confirm what I scanned earlier about something or someone trying to keep you from being read. As she does so I look around to take in the area that looks similar to this but on a slightly smaller scale:

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Thank you so much, it lines up with everything and also why I attract energy vampires.


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No problem, happy to trade

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I’ll get yours in a little bit.

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Mind if I scan you Velenos and you scan me back when you feel like it sometime this month?

Entirely up to you mate

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Anyone mind doing mine? This all looks interesting :joy:

Alright, as I scan you I see a small circular clearing in the middle of some woods, some light that look like small faerie’s are floating around you, they hide as I step in to the clearing.
Some elves are also present in the clearing, seelie and unseelie. Your sitting on an elegant wooden throne, gazing at me with interest. You have horns similar to a stag, elven facial features but more regal if that makes any sense. Green eyes, black dreads, a beard. Tanned skin. Fierce, wise eyes. You’ve been alive for a very long time, longer then most goetics I would say.
Strong, pure earth energy, I also see wind and water energy to. Your chakras are larger then mine in comparison, no stagnant energy.
You state what I am, I introduce myself formally. I thank you for the opportunity to scan you and leave.

So how did I do?