Vovin's Freeze Spell ~ from EvocationMagic.com

Just used this, and imma bump it while I’m here.

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Question, if the ice melts does that break the spell or like is the spell done and they’re completely gone

Or does it not even matter if the ice melts the spell is done either way


Not at all in my opinion. It’s just an extra layer to what your doing.

^That’s your key, right there.

If you want to amp it up a little, what I did was add an Isa rune, and a Nauthiz rune on the outside of the scroll before tying it.


So far it works like a charm :slight_smile:
Now, Would it be still effective or alright if I put few scrolls on same bottle?

Some curses work better casting in front of the person, I this will further increase his fear and even some kind of harm

Soo it just stays inside the freezer forever? Can I move it somewhere else? Like throw it away? Or burn it?


You can take it out after the spell manifests.

Before you finish casting the spell, be sure your intent is to freeze the target indefinitely. Not temporarily!

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I just casted this spell today, I basically followed the instructions and added some runes to the paper. I had a blast with it!

These runes, to be specific:


Does it work on physical knee pain

…and then my friend taught me how runes were supposed to be overlapped when used for magick. Haha…

No. This is a spell to bind another person to your will, it’s not a healing spell.

That must be a modern invention: there’s nothing in the record for or against this idea, but I don’t see why that would stop your intention from working. Icelandic runestaves are another thing, but they’re not “overlapped” exactly.

So, you’re good. Your spell is a different thing though, more like a “go away” than a “do not speak/work against me” binding. Vovin’s freeze spell is for when you still have to see, work and/or live with the person and what them to stop being a big meanie poopy head, basically. :slight_smile:

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Then, could I bend the will of the world population to watch my ebook videos and buy my books with this spell ?

Hypnotism maybe a better idea if you’re living with them or meet them daily.

No that’s not what’s it’s for at all.

A post was split to a new topic: How do I use runes?

I had my spell paper frozen inside an ice cube. :cold_face: I casted Vonin’s freeze spell the cool way! :sunglasses: :magic_wand:


thanks for posting this spell works well :blue_heart:


Ever since I cast the spell I had never been bothered by my neighbors’ loud joyrides and the town even put up I sign prohibiting motor vehicles around their usual driving areas. I’m going to have a peaceful summer without the loud vrrrrrroooom-pptpts :blush:.


Can I use this to keep an ex from bothering my girl?

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Yes you can.

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