Voodooking's Journal

Ok this is a sort of rant of mine that I find infuriating and try to follow me here on this one. Because I’ve heard a bunch of different views

  1. Ghosts, spirits are real and they exist
  2. Probably some sort of other dimensional being
  3. They are definitely not real its all in your head.
  4. Probably real but your mind needs to be open to see them
  5. This is the part that infuriates me extra-demionsial things that are on this plane of existence with the exception of stealth
  6. My favorite theory and personal one. The multi-reality theory this is in physics proposed by scientists that maybe there are other worlds infinitely among different dimensional planes (3rd dimension, 4th and so on)

I’m really really irritated about the dismissive nature of people and for some of the points I’ve listed they are contradictory

If you look at the ignorance of people to try to explain or dismiss things it would make you mad as well.