Today I was just sitting at home minding my own business when I kinda fell asleep even though I was not tired what fallowed was a vision I had, had once before a vision of a falling star form the constilation. Vergo, then a skull and then a sword crossed on an ax behind a sheld. If anyone can interpet this vision could they help me out the feel like both a good and a bad Oman.
So… This is gonna sound weird, but the star falling from Virgo sounds like me. I am currently figuring out how to extract myself from a relationship with a Virgo, and the metaphor of the Bad Star has become a huge part of my life.
Not saying that i am the purpose of your vision, onky pointing out a weird synchronicity
Lol I’m a virgo, should I be worried
Anyways, about your vision…
The star falling could mean something personal to your life. Or maybe it isn’t. Maybe it means something more. Maybe it relates to.something planetary…
Any falling out or away from berellbelith or Barbados, or someone similar? They may be associated with Virgo.
Ok well I was given a job by Odin himself to protect a Valkiery. Could the falling star mean something about that and what about the skull and sword crossed with an ax behind the sheld. Thank you for your insight.
I had a vision a while back regarding Virgo that extended beyond that into some deeper things, posting it in case it triggers anything useful for you:
Okay… That was weird in one of your updates about mltipual religions about the Valkiery. I read your update.but not the links yet but that struck me a strange. Why would you get information like that unless the Gods wanted something to come of it later. This is assuming that you do not fallow the Nores faith as I do. Still don’t understand what the skull and sword. Crossed with an ax behind a sheld means but the Vergo and it’s connection to Valkierys is interesting.
I work with the Runes and have northern European and Scottish ancestry, so there is a link. I’m not sure where faith meets magick, I know the gods exist because I talk with them, and I do sometimes pray to them, but in the sense of communicating.
I feel like the infromation i got there was also meant to be shared, otherwise it wouldn;t have been given to me in that fashion, spirits have contacted me to say things privately many times. I think there’s something bigger than “just” my dream here.
I can agree there is definitely something bigger happening then a dream and a vision.perhaps the Gods will reveal what they plan soon.