Using psychedelics for a trance-like state

Because it is so hard for me to sit still and manage meditation, I am considering turning to (non addictive) drugs to help me achieve what i’m after. My current thoughts are trying mushrooms, or DMT.

I know it can be a bit of a touchy subject and a bit of a crutch, but it doesn’t hurt to try. I wonder if anyone else also is using these for an altered state, or to communicate with spirits.

My ultimate goal is for a body possession, if anyone else has had this experience on substances, i’d love to hear.

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Having spent a few years researching and conducting experiments with regards to this general topic (as well as diagnosed ADHD), I’ll say that if you’ve seen the words “psychadelic” and “trance” in the same sentence, doublecheck that you’re not reading something about hypnosis, but I digress.

You are using the phrase “doesn’t hurt to try” incorrectly. There are a lot of things you can try that can and will hurt in ways you cannot yet imagine. This is probably one of those things.

First, do not do anything that will lower your internal defenses. This stuff isn’t a fetish or a game you can just start over again if you lose, especially if your end goal is body possession. Which, on that, I won’t say any more, just hit that search box for body possession and check the results.

I understand the allure. I’ve experimented on and off (prescribed) meds, specifically Adderall, which I would advise against because you cannot precisely predict when you will get “stuck,” so when it does happen it might not be the thing you were meaning to and then you’ve wasted 12 hours. Then of course there’s Adderall’s trailer trash cousin which is even a worse idea.

Same with psychadelics. You cannot control the trip, and if it happens to be a bad one, you could get stuck in a bad place for a very long time.

That being said, if you have migraines or cluster headaches, take the shrooms. I’ve been to grad school so I have access to all the journals and shrooms have been shown to cure them. Also if you’re wanting to look inward. I know a couple who tried it to help with her migraines. She ended up having a bad trip and landed inside her own head. The guy ended up holding her hand and keeping her grounded trip sitting through all of it and helped guide as she was walking around. She told him that there was something there inside her head that wasn’t supposed to be there. She saw it, was looking at it, but couldn’t identify it. Like two months later an MRI showed a craniopharyngioma next to her pituitary gland. (she was treated, it is gone, and she is recovering…despite two court hearings denying her disability for a brain tumor)

DMT is being looked at clinically as well, though if you take it be in mindset divorced of anything in here, especially possession. The studies that have been done on it, probably the one with the most impact was one that showed it boosted spirituality. People already spiritual or religious came out a bit moreso. Devout atheists came out believing in a higher power. Not necessarily the Judeo-Christian God, but something nonetheless. For more on the subject, I would definitely check out Erowid (google it).

Pro-tip: The best place to read up on subjects like drugs is while sitting in the waiting room at a doctor or therapist’s office, waiting for the nurse to call you in so you and the doc can start to figure out why it’s so hard for you to sit still and keep your mind focused on a single topic for any length of time.


If you’re in Europe and can travel to The Netherlands or you’re already there, you can buy magic truffles at the smart shops which are like mild mushrooms. These are much lower risk to experiment with than wild mushrooms, which can cause permanent problems you can’t recover from so definitely wise to be cautious with those.

For just meditation you may find it helpful to go to group meditation meetings if you have an opportunity for that, or meditate outside on a park bench where you may have more success staying focus if you want to impress people walking by that you look like you are focused.

Yes quite a few.

The difficulty is with staying focused. You can get clearer and stronger information, but it’s worse than being adhd (which I am), very easy to get distracted and start dreaming so you don’t get your answers and don’t remember what happened.

If you ritualise it and write everything down at the time it will help. It’s ok to do ritual with the lights on and have a pen and journal in circle with you.

A low dose of pot i think does help, though as you say use it as a crutch to help you start then work on using it less as you develop skills.


Drugs are not something I have experience with at all aside from alcohol, which for the sake of this topic, I suppose should count.

Generally I don’t like telling anyone what to do when it comes to their own metaphysical path, but if someone is going to use other substances, esp drugs/alcohol to achieve an altered state or to try to contact spirits, some precautions to consider:

(in no particular order)

  1. Best not to use stuff like this during any first attempts with contacting spirits, esp for possession. Get some experience, then see how it goes when you have an altered state of mind. This goes both ways, whether the experience is with the metaphysical or the drug itself.

  2. Not all entities like this sort of thing. Some, conversely, like it too much.

  3. I like suggesting something like binaural beats before an actual drug. There are different sorts of beats, some are mild, some get really intense. They’re great for getting some altered state of mind experiences more easily controlled.

3b. If you do decide to try binaural beats, you need to use headphones because they work by channeling different sound wavelengths into each ear. Some people hallucinate more easily than others, just something to be aware of in case you end up being more sensitive to it (which I am).

  1. Have a goal or plan. Maybe ask yourself what exactly you are trying to achieve with this altered state and aim for that. Set limitations or protections in place if you need it.

There have definitely been times in the past where I did not do the 4th point and it was always unpleasant. Having intent prior to beginning can make all the difference. If I’m contacting a spirit, I like to establish that connection before I use anything mind altering.

Personally when I have used alcohol, usually it’s been to help clear my head of doubts/apprehensions/nervousness and for the sake of writing more loosely, for etching that state of being onto the page. It’s a magickal process on its own, something about it which I wanted to carry into a non-inebriated state of being.

All that aside, my most intense experiences have always been while not using anything to alter my state of mind at all.

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Do you have any previous experience with psychedelics?
In particular psilocybin and/ or DMT? If not, I would not recommend it at all.
Despite it being a popular topic for a few years now and despite what numerous influential people say, this shit is not for everybody. It can do serious psychological damage if not used responsibly. Also these substances are not meant in the way we usually do magick. It’s used to force open doorways within yourself and loose control and surrender to wherever the gods and ancestors are taking you. Using it because meditation and focus is difficult for you is probably not going to work out the way you want it to.

I’ve had a lot of experience taking psilocybin and a little in taking LSD, I’ve also been a designated tripsitter a bunch of times. Some went smoothly, some I had comfort 1 to 3 bad trippers at a time.

I’ve planned out my experience carefully and used it casually a bunch of times before I actually used (a large dose of) psilocybin for spiritual ends on my own, without anyone around to watch me. That might be excessively cautious, but I feel even if nothing went wrong I would not benefit from it anyway if I wasn’t ready for it. It’s not for nothing these substances were/ are only used by the shaman/ medicine person or with his strict supervision instead of just anyone in the tribe. (not saying I am perfect shaman material, though)

If you do have experience and are able to have a modicum of control during trips without spinning out in a bad trip. I’d advice small doses. You can’t really concentrate and stay on track while tripping balls. If you are deadset on using a substance to help you, I think a small dose of cannabis (if you have previous experience with cannabis) is probably more helpful. Like one or two hits of a joint and no more. Regular ADHD meds will help as well when starting a meditation practice, if you have a prescription for them. Especially dex-amphetamine, although that might be personal to how my brain functions. Yes I also have diagnosed ADHD (the mixed Hyperactive and Inattentive version).

what helped me a lot when first starting meditation is not sitting still. You can meditate while taking a walk. Doing a mildly repetitive task, like drawing the lines of a drawing or coloring it in. Doing woodwork (be careful not to do that when handling sharp tools ;P) or even while doing the dishes or something. I made huge progress when integrating meditation with my archery. Especially since it forced me to constantly switch from meditative state to attempting to reconstruct the hyperfocus state.


Doorway is a good metaphor for some plant medicines, one must be cautious about opening doors be prepared for what is on the other side.

DMT I believe exists already in the brain but is only released if the heart stops. Mushrooms as well occupy the realm of death. So that is a door most people would prefer to stay closed.

Other plant medicines are different.


I can confirm utilizing psychedelics would open certain spiritual doorways within a person.

I have used almost everything… The one thing to remember is that more often than not your ability to focus is going to be seriously hampered while on any kind of psychedelic substance.

If you’ve never utilized a psychedelic substance before I would suggest Psilocybin Mushrooms as your first go to. They only last maybe 5hrs before it all starts wearing off very quickly.

You really DON’T want to get into trying to have your body possessed by a spirit while on these drugs. If you were to do something like that I would reccomend developing a relationship with the spirit in question before attempting this.

As these substances do open you up to external normally imperceptible influences, you must use caution and treat them with respect. You will become aware of various intelligences that may seem like figments of your imagination when in fact they’ve been hiding in plain view all along.

DMT is not a great idea for any kind of experience you wish to control. You cannot control anything on DMT. It is far too powerful and it doesn’t last long enough. Its possible this may play out differently if you utilized it via the Pharm-ayahuasca method. Which is taking an oral dose of DMT in combination with an MAOI modulator so that it can be processed by your body. This would result in a trip that lasts many hours rather than 5minutes.

I have never tried this, but one day I might.

Mushrooms, being something that literally feeds itself from decay, hosts a lot of death energy.
The experience will be very different from something such as LSD.

LSD in my opinion is the best way to open up your mind. You have much much more control over the trip. I would say this is because it is a man made substance. Unlike other types of psychedelics, it has not been programmed to do anything in particular. You can use this to your advantage as you are in control much more so than anything else. You are in the drivers seat so to speak. (Dose dependant)

Your emotions ultimately determine the quality of your trip. What so many people forget is that they are ALWAYS in control and have the ability to reorient their minds during a trip if only they make the decision to think differnt thoughts.

Whatever you do, start low, go slow and always have your substances tested before ingesting.

Most psychedelics are not tainted. But that doesn’t mean it doesnt happen.

Marijuana is considered a psychedelic, though many people forget this fact.

Important: If you cannot handle Marijuana and or don’t like how it feels, then stronger psychedelics are not for you. Stay far away from stronger stuff if you don’t get off using MJ.


Well honestly since the o.p. mentioned non-addictive substances I would advise steering clear of ganja completely for that.

Other plants like Salvia have only a short-term affect and aren’t considered addictive for most people.

This is interesting you mention a “pharm-ayahuasca” method, that doesn’t sound like it has anything to do with Ayahauasca (which is a spirit, not a substance).

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I’ve heard of people jumping out of windows or ending up in a mental institution talking to themselves, all because of holy mushrooms.
Even medicines from the pharmacy can be dangerous, no one can predict the result. Nobody.
There are many countries where the use of this substance is banned and you can have quite a problem. People are sympathetic to causing problems for others. People are very interested in the lives of others.

Maybe try this.

There are authors who have written books about it, but you want to try mushrooms and get possessed without any knowledge. It’s madness. Maybe you should do some research before you do something so stupid.

Another question is whether you know anything about exorcisms or you just want to put a gun to your head and see what the effect will be.

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Yeah the magic truffles were only legalized by the Dutch in the 70s as part of a campaign to shut down the heavier drugs, which were causing a lot of problems for the whole country.

Pot is still technically illegal there but is “officially tolerated” by law enforcement, and can only be sold at coffee shops.


Yeah both are still in a grey zone, legally speaking. We are are starting to lag behind a lot of other places in the world.
It’s weird, the fact that you can buy and sell cannabis in a coffeeshop, but nobody really wants to talk about where it comes from and who is growing it ^^

I’m not saying you should, but have you tried binaural tones? It’s possible to pirate, say, the progressively deepening program put out by Holosync, for example. I would suggest seeing if you can find the right reasons to check that out one way or another, as it’s definitely legit and useful in my experience.

Another suggestion that helped me was years ago having read about and implemented a samadhi lamp from the works of Poke Runyon; albeit in context of evocation, but still.

Oh, and speaking of enhancing your meditations with drugs in specific, I recall something from Crowley in The Equinox regarding the “green tincture of visions”. And how it was theorized to contain a tincture of hash, and of opium, too, among others. Plus there is writing about hashish, itself. Both cannabis and opioids can certainly help trance you out in a way conducive to meditation if you’re already pretty familiar with their effects. I think I also recall from his diaries so many years ago how he had spoken pretty highly of the kind of introspection brought on by mescaline during meditation sessions of that kind.