Hello all! I’ve been working with the “Become a Living God” principles & practices for about a month now, and I gotta say I am ~LOVING~ this. It really brings together the most important principles and strips away so much of the confusing ‘must haves’ that come along with all the various methods…
I’d like to hear from you all some examples of how EVOKING more (and spending less time/ study/ effort trying to unravel spells & rituals) has accelerated your Progress toward Becoming the Living Gods & Goddesses you are meant to become!
Okay, I suppose that, since I started this, I must start …
This has been a huge benefit to me in terms of ordinary “practical spirituality”. I think I mentioned (somewhere) that I’ve long worked with the principle of direct contact.
But since I began to read, study, sleep, and work with Book of Azazel, I’ve gained tremendous understanding of how utterly -effortless- Magick can be … and is supposed to be, I think.
I feel close to the Nethers at all times; they’re with me - a mere question away. I turn to them wherever I am for all kinds of guidance, counsel & assistance. I no longer “wait” until I get home, get the dog walked and the thousand other things that put off the doing of Magickal work…
[quote=“Zoe, post:2, topic:300”]What? No comments???
Okay, I suppose that, since I started this, I must start …
This has been a huge benefit to me in terms of ordinary “practical spirituality”. I think I mentioned (somewhere) that I’ve long worked with the principle of direct contact.
But since I began to read, study, sleep, and work with Book of Azazel, I’ve gained tremendous understanding of how utterly -effortless- Magick can be … and is supposed to be, I think.
I feel close to the Nethers at all times; they’re with me - a mere question away. I turn to them wherever I am for all kinds of guidance, counsel & assistance. I no longer “wait” until I get home, get the dog walked and the thousand other things that put off the doing of Magickal work…
That’s what you were talking about? Lol. It’s no secret on this forum that I’ve had little to no formal teaching. This coupled with my need to hide my practice from my family and friends caused me early on to shed the need for tools and circles and big formal rituals. I always had an affinity for angels when I was a kid because of their nature to protect and guide people in the way that’s best for them and for a long time I’d use my brother as a go between to have them come and teach me and whatnot until I realized I could call them myself. Until I found this site I had questioned my sanity for a long time regarding my encounters with various entities by simply calling out to them and sensing their presence and from there seeing them clairvoyantly. It wasn’t until I first did a ritual with the censor and circle and triangle that it really hit home that I wasn’t crazy, I was really doing it the whole time. But like I’ve said before magick should be as easy as breathing and this site helps me confirm it all the time.
I’m another that hasn’t had any formal training, just my Ozark hoodoo-type ways that I picked up growing up here. And I do love the old methods, my hobby is art and I love doing magic that incorporates raw materials that I can mold and shape and fill with magic that’s conducive to my intentions.
However, as I’ve began to practice EA and other author’s technique’s and made contact with spirits greater than before, I’ve begun to notice that my magic has gotten much more fluid. Sometimes just focusing on something intently seems to call it to me with my thoughts, before I have time to get out my bones and powders.
I don’t think I’ll ever want to give up my tools and trappings completely because they’re a pleasure to me, not a hindrance, but having my power grow to the point where I can call what I need instantly is the ultimate goal and EA’s work is definitely helping me move toward it.
Y’know, it occurs to me that MOST of us are self-taught. There are few (that I know of) who belong to organizations or organized groups.
I am wholly self taught, and its been a long, winding road, for sure. The way my learning started out, I was exposed to and accepted the idea of “direct contact” and quickly discovered the validity of it … intellectually.
Still, I never really, REALLY internalized it and FELT it until I read BALG. And then when I (finally!) received BoA it was like a series of switches being flipped on in my Psyche.
Now it seems my next order of business with myself is to get it grounded in my Emotional system …
You’d think that would be easy - almost by default. And perhaps for most people it is … I seem to have a couple faulty wires in my system somewhere…
Still trying to figure out this division in me. Comments? Suggestions?
Division is a common theme in man. One minute we feel one thing, the next something else entirely. No doubt through programming and outside influence/indoctrination we have become disconnected from our natural state and in the process we have ‘faulty wiring’ and behave in ways contradictory to what we feel and think at times. I went through a good year or two of intense ‘Work’(in the Gurdjieff or Ouspensky sense) trying to observe the functioning of the physical, intellectual and emotional aspects of self, leaving magic alone and just observing my functions. I could still go further, much further.
Check out ‘The Fourth Way’ by Ouspensky if you need some no BS reality check. That book helped me accept many things in myself and motivated a thoroughly objective examination of myself by myself.
If you already know that line of philosophy then I hope I don’t come across as pushing it, but it’s just when you mentioned ‘division’ I couldn’t help but be reminded of that philosophy as it totally expounds upon things of that nature.
Well, I am a member of an organisation, but i would still call myself “self-taught”. Doing the curriculum of an order isn’t different from doing the curriculum of a book imo. Unless of course you are actually meeting up on the actual lodges, which I haven’t done.
@VirdonDjinn: All suggestions are well-received when they come from a genuine desire to assist - Thank You! I love the old philosophers & will check this out … Maybe my wires aren’t too bad & can be easily fixed!!!
@Attis: You’re right of course, about self-study. And maybe that’s as it ought be… the human part of the mind is SO suggestible, isn’t it? Still, there’s something wonderful about interacting with others; having a place to go where like-minded people gather. Makes me really appreciate Internet technology giving me the opportunity to include myself in things like this forum. Thank you for your input!
I’m mostly self taught.
I trained under Sifu Robin Jones for nearly three years though. He’s a good guy, but he’s way too into Jesus. And in my opinion, when you’re an energy worker, and you can’t let go of Christianity, it strips you from exploring some of the more powerful and deeper aspects of reality.
After some time, it just got to the point that I couldn’t learn any more from him. I would ask him questions and he wouldn’t have the answers. When I told him that I was performing evocations and had learned from several angels, he told me that they were not really angels, but that they were impostors come to deceive me. So I began testing him during phone calls and through emails. After having asked several entities about him, it became apparent that he was just some guy who picked up a few cool tricks and got good at a few things, but was nothing even close to what he purported to be.
It was frustrating to say the least.
Interesting to note that his techniques shun using all forms of energy EXCEPT for the positive side of water. At one point, I became aware of a water entity who had gained a heavy level of control over my instructor and that taking people so off balance from the other essential forces had an alternative motive behind it. Not necessarily sinister, but not good.
At any rate - I take the stance of practice practice practice!
Study is good - but you need balance. After a point you end up learning more through your practice than you could ever learn from a book. I believe many of us are quickly approaching that threshold. Working together in this forum will catalyze that. Once we’re learning 100% from our own personal practices, ascent will begin to manifest it’s knowledge and progress to us on an exponentially increasing speed and intensity.
I am totally rambling aren’t I? heh
Wanna hear a story?!
This is a good one, why not? I was in an IRC channel with some buddies, one of them is specifically hard headed and doesn’t believe in ANYTHING spiritual or extra-dimensional. A real James Randi (in fact, he’s an avid fan of JREF). So, my intuition was that people who are that close minded are most likely easily manipulated. I formed a little thought form and programmed it to influence him in such a manner that his next comment in the channel would be about basketball. Suddenly, in the middle of some conversation about genetics or something, he breaks in with, "Charles Barkley’s such a dip-shit!"
and I was like - “hahaha - you just got uber magickally pwnd mother fucker!” … except I said that in my head, but it was fucking awesome! haha
Homie got worked by something he doesn’t even believe exists.
And THAT’s why practice is important (or, more important than say, belonging to an organization)!
See how I tied it all together there?
I’ve grown tremendously by reading these forums and asking questions from you guys who are more experienced then myself. Funny thing is, the people who posted to this thread in particular are the ones I’ve learned the most from and received the most encouragement from. The most important lessons I’ve learned so far, are:
1.) I’m not insane
2.) I’m not alone
3.) Evocation works
4.) I have infinite power at my fingertips
You are most generous with your praise, but I for one have also learned from you. I do not see myself as more experienced, but merely exposed to different experiences, authors, masters & traditions.
It is important you understand:
... I am certifiable
but, I am not alone
and Evocation DOES indeed work,
so, All us insane people have infinite power at our fingertips!
[quote=“necromaster, post:16, topic:300”]1) Nothing wrong with being a little insane.
2) no matter what you do, you will always be alone. That is the harsh realization every practitioner has to make.
3) evocation does work.and it even works too well at times.
4) you only have as much power as you know you have. Doubt and fear will cripple you.[/quote]
Truly though - being a little different in the cranial region actually helps. And ZachD555, don’t kid yourself - you’re just as nuts as any of us hahah - oh I need to stop being so gawd damned hilarious!
But seriously. Evocation WORKS
The crazier you are (as long as you’re just sane enough to be insane enough to do what we’re doing) the better
I’m glad you’re all here. This place is teaming with genius and pure desire for power and knowledge.
ZachD555, we’re going to have a hell of a ride man. Buckle the fuck in
===== EDIT =====
That goes for the rest of you too, god damnitall!!!
===== /EDIT =====
Wise man said “sanity is for the weak!!!”. The wiseman may be a sick psycho character from Warhammer, but still right!
I have learned so much from you guys and EA this past month, I feel my power has taken giant leeps. I am so glad to have met you all! well, met online anyway…
I am also a member of an organization and consider myself self-taught with the help of a couple mentors along the way.
Seems to be a better group here than most the other occult forums out there. Glad to be here with everyone.