Use your brain too

Those into magick, you also need to be realistic in your everyday life. It’s not just about thinking positive that your magick will work. Be realistic to include everyday actions base on sound decisions. Too many in the self help field focus only on thinking positive without being realistic. They think thoughts itself will do the trick to get their goals. Same can be said of magick. Too many magick users are only wishful thinking not being realistic of their magick in that it require mundane efforts too. They think magick casting alone will get their goal. This is a short article telling you positive thinking isn’t enough.


You nasty bastard. Here’s little old me been working on the ‘it’s all positive thinking’ school of Magickal make-believe and you have to post something like that!



@Uncle-Al It’s just my contribution to the world before i go kaput with all the misguided people fighting among themselves cuz they gots no brain to be realistic and believe any group propaganda turning themselves into sheeps. I don’t need to say it. You know what’s going on in the world if you see the news. Groups of people bickering due to misinformation instead of priority focus solution on what needs to be done to get country back to norm.

seems we are in ww3 from within and don’t know if many will survive. lol


“Did you just cough at me? Did you just fuckin’ cough at me?”
Like the condemned, stand on the cross marked on the floor. And keep your distance! You got that? Where’s your face-mask? Sorry, we don’t accept cash anymore, so why don’t you just go back to the end of the queue and penetrate yourself? I’ll call security!
And you look at me when I speak to you, cunt.



Positive thinking wont solve COVID-19, but negative thoughts won’t either. We need a middle ground.

Fuck where’s the middle ground? I cant see it. All i see are jackasses fighting about face masks. XD


As some one who has difficulty reading faces to begin with…i find this whole mask ordeal hilariously ironic.
Fuc the masks. Ill be a rebel and wear goggles and veil instead. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::-1::mask:


:dart: I could not have said it better myself.

Thank You! Hugs to you! :hugs:

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This really ties into something I told an old friend with her magick work- she works with a deity for money and believes it will just fall into her hands while doing no work.


It works if the parents or family lineage are rich already like the hilton family. lol fall right into their laps. Not saying that their parents didn’t do hard effort work. Just saying their spoiled kids have it made financially. =o)


you may borrow my meat suit as long as you return it in good condition :joy: