URGENT: I need this job

Not to bore you all but I feel this needs some antecedent context

I’m currently 20 years old and have been actively striving towards adepthood on the LHP since I was 18 but have been unable to make what I feel is acceptable progress due to financial restrictions and resultant from that living with my RHP parents who I can’t practice any noticeable magick around

That being said I have recently found what might be a doorway to mundane success in the form of a job in animal husbandry which I have applied and had an in person interview for which I believe went as well as it could have considered my would could be considered as lack to qualifications for said job.

That being said the hiring process will continue over the next few weeks and I need magick to guarantee my acquisition of this finite opportunity to finally break free of my mundane shackles and ascend into adepthood.

In summation I need what would be an almost certainty efficacious spell to get the job ASAP I have assess to a mirror pencil and paper a lighter and a burning desire to break free from the abrahamic chains that bind me to the mundane realm

Given this limited toolset that I can utilize at this time does anyone know a spell/spells that could aid me?

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Are you familiar with Spare-style sigils?

Or spirit seal magick?

Or Jason Miller’s Jupiter glyphs?

Candle spells?

Do you have any books by the Gallery of Magick such as Demons of Magick by Gordon Winterfield?

None of these options require any expensive tools, just pen and paper.

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I can’t say I am but would be willing to try almost anything at least once
Also I unfortunately do not have access to candles at this time as my family started to get extremely suspect when they found a adult size black robe in my closet that I had to pretend was from an old Halloween costume so I am more or less under ball and chain here hence the urgency of this spell

Well, spare-style sigils are simple enough. Write a statement of intent, such “it is my will to be hired at _____.” Or you could use a question, like “How did i get the job at ______?” Then you take the letters of the words and turn them into an abstract glyph. Once you have the glyph, enter a state of vacuity (pretty much any altered state where your mind is relatively quiet) and visualize it shooting off into the multiverse to manifest. Then laugh your ass off and forget about it (destroy any physical copies so you’re not reminded).

For seal magick, find a demon or other spirit who can help with employment, such as Belial and King Paimon, and “open” their seal using the technique here. Carry it with you through the interview process.

Another option is a petition:


Thanks for the advice and I will most definitely try and make use of this

I understand the frustration of feeling held back by financial constraints and family circumstances. It’s a challenging road to walk, but I’ve been in your shoes before. Here’s a simple candle spell that has worked for me in similar situations:

Take a white candle and carve your desire for success and financial freedom into its surface. Anoint the candle with a few drops of cinnamon or basil oil for prosperity and abundance. Light the candle and visualize yourself excelling in the job interview and being offered the position. As the flame burns, focus your intention on breaking free from limitations and stepping into your power. Trust in the magic within you to manifest your desires. Stay resilient and keep the faith. You’ve got this.

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Road-Opening and Crown of Success works may help. Look them up.

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