Urgent Help -last chance to me to enter college

kindly ,give me magic can do that. @surprise0

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Hi friend,

looking at the post I see that there are many answers to your problem, all correct and sufficient to solve it. So I wonder why you keep asking.

The people who posted above took the time to reply and link, don’t you think it’s slightly disrespectful to just ignore them and keep asking?

Seems to me you want someone to do the magick for you.

I can advise you:
1- Look for an entity to summon to ask for help (Do the magick yourself)
2-Visit the “Ritual for Hire” section here on the BALG website
3-Listen to the tips above and wait.

I’ve missed a lot of opportunities too, and I can assure you that 100% of the time it was my fault. If you pass, pass and congratulations; if you don’t pass, obviously it wasn’t your time.

Good luck for everything