I’m realizing I have a knack for repelling and draining people.
With sheer mental will power I make my numbers quiet down and also move away. The units above me and below me are always vacant and I got the two tenants above to move away and then the whole upper floor above me, and got legally tied up so no one can live up there again and disturb me. Sweet!
But anyway in my past relationships, the guys got depressed, physically unfit, and impotent while I glowed and blossomed.
When I’m with friends, despite being stoners, they just want to sit around and are too tired and lazy to do anything.
I naturally capitalized on my skills by working as a massage therapist so I can siphon energy from people that way and get paid for it. I only realized this afterwards years later, and for years I would cry and get really angry while I massaged since I was absorbing the person’s stress and residual energy. The clients wouldn’t notice as they were face down and couldn’t see me.
For a while I was also able to just psychically call clients and draw them to me during that same day, but that ability seems hampered lately and I highly suspect “the jab” has something to do with it but I won’t go down that rabbit hole here.
I used to have s3x for hours without any penetration at all and then I feel floaty and refreshed for days. I was inspired to explore energy vampirism and dark magick after discovering this and trying to understand it.
Anyway, attracting people and having charisma has never been my thing and perhaps my niche is repelling and repulsion. There has to be more people like me to balance out those weird, perky, love and light people that are effortlessly charismatic and social.
What do you think and do you have any unusual abilities?