Unofficial Tutorials: Divination, Pendulum, Tarot, Runes etc

@longlostredemption’s super list of keywords for the interpretation of tarot cards.

You can see she has put a lot of effort into making this list and with her permission she very kindly wants to share this here to help anyone wanting to learn to read the tarot.
Very useful and very helpful, thank you longlostredemption :slightly_smiling_face:

And here’s an update she made for the reversed 8 of cups:

08 June 2022: Insight on the reversed 8 of Cups. Came up with this interpretation:
To feel stable and back in homeostasis after an emotional upset regarding
lack of satisfaction and longing for change. To no longer want for
anything either because you took the steps to achieve what you desired
or have given up on that dream and came to terms with it.