Unlock Your Potential Now - Are You Up For This Undertaking

Unlock Your Potential Now

During my pathworking with the nine demonic gamekeepers, King Bael revealed onto me what he referred to as ‘The Gateway Of Hamidah’. Contained herein is a series of magickal workings you can perform yourself to elevate many facets of your own being and life.

The Gateway Of Hamidah.

This is a sigillic gateway and talisman which emits the limitless power of infinite potentiality, it acts as a vortex and gateway to the abode of nothingness. Now of course the true essence of this nothingness is the void, the mere concept in and of itself is a paradox ‘an abode of nothingness’ is definitely a paradox, but i digress.
That domain has been called many things in all different paths, beliefs and systems, some refer to it as the abyss itself.

Its also been called the zero dimension, in norse mythology its been called Ginnungagap, in the yogic system its referred to as Shiva as the name shiva refers to “that which is not” a void of limitless potentiality. Its also been referred to as the void and khaos. One can use this talisman/gateway to not only enter into this but to pull the unique dormant powers and energies contained therein to this world.

Immersion Into The Gate - Entry One.

The first immersive working with this gateway is designed to align the individual to it, also to open it and even immerse themselves into it. Creating this connection between the magician and the powers beyond, once this connection is established. It will create a link to you and the power of the gateway, causing subtle alterations which need to be made within you in order to maximise the success of all the other workings.

Begin first by printing out the gateway, once done obtain two black candles and place one either side of the gateway upon a table/altar with the sigil facing towards you at an eye level.

Begin by lighting the black candles and state the following below.

“I (your name/magickal name) open
The Gateway Of Hamidah, in the name of
Its keeper Bael, Baal, Keeper of the silent gate.
I do cause the veil of reality to shed
like the grand hissing ophidian.
I do open the gate, i do open the gate”.

Once the above has been spoken and decreed outloud, turn you’re scrying gaze onto the sigil, begin gazing and scrying at it and openining it like one would do a sigil. As you do this envision from the region of you’re third eye/ajna chakra emits a indigo hue, breathe in deeply and hold your breath for about six to seven seconds.

As you exhale deeply and slowly, envision a indigo ray of light exudes outwards from you’re third eye into the sigil. As this happens envision where the gateway is located a black abysmal opening like a tunnel and this indigo ray shines through it. Like the ray from you’re third eye begins dimly illuminating this dark tunnel opening. As you inhale deeply and slowly with your eyes closed feel and envision the energy that lurks behind that gateway is pulled through the indigo ray towards you, into your third eye and courses through you.

As you exhale give some of you’re energy to it, repeating this again pulling it’s energy in, keep this up breathe life into the void as it breathes life into you. Feel it invigorate you, energise you and empower you, feel that as you breathe out a essence of your awareness travels through the ray into the void and as you breathe in the awareness of the void floods to you. If you do this correctly you’ll begin feeling a push and pull sensation, a intense magnetism, a surreal ebb and flow, back and forth, almost like a ping pong ball bouncing from your head into the tunnel and then bouncing back at you.

Keeping this up until these sensations are more profound and the sense of a deep connection is established. Eyes closed visualise that black tare/opening in the gateway as you breathe out allow your imaginative vision to go into that infinite blackness. You may hear things or there may be such a deafening silence that it becomes unbearable, there may be shapes and forms which appear in this blackness for a brief moment and then dissappear. Whatever the case have your own unique experience and focus on, a singular point within the blackness of the void and hold you’re attention there.

Do not allow the visions which occur to distract you nor sway you, but remain steadfast you must allow your sense of self, identify, ego and even thoughts melt into the infinite blackness of this ancient void. Only once truly detached and soaked into the blackness will you be truly engrossed into the voids quintessence. Once you regain normal waking consciousness or normal perception again, pull your attention back to your body and don’t open your eyes but notice how the indigo ray is still connecting you and the gateway as one. Although you’ll notice the ray which connects you is no longer indigo but glows as a blackened light.

Focus on the energy now coursing through you and state the following.

“I invoke the essence of that which is not,
Into me now, i invoke the abysmal spirit into me.
I breathe it in, i invite it in, i welcome it with open arms”.

Breathe in the surge of energy through the gateway as one huge deep inhalation, hold the breath for a bit as the energy builds in your torso spiralling and as you exhale allow the built up negative energies of stress, worry, anxiety, depression, negativity, any negating or toxic energies which have been stored inside you outwards into the void as an offering.

Exorcise All That Does Not Serve You - Entry Two.

This is a banishing and exorcism of all that may hinder you, limit you or negatively impact you in some way. If you’ve been holding onto any regret, shame, sadness, anger, guilt, grief, any negative emotions they must now be ejected. If you have any trauma, any bad thoughts, paranoia, or anything that is mental which hinders you, that too must be exorcised.

If you have any negative habits you wish to give up this too is an opportunity, if you have any built up low gross dense, toxic and negative energies time to get rid of them. If you have any attacks, parasites, bindings or what some refer to as ‘bad luck’ or even a spirit attachment time to get rid of all that crap.

Repeat the above immersive exercise now this time however, state the following.

“I call onto the serpents of Ra’tu and Karl’fule,
Great devourers of khaos and void here me,
May my words pass throgh the gate of hamidah
And find you now, answer me call, do not forsake me.
I give onto offerings to devour, feast upon that which
Binds me, that which enslaves me, that which limits me”

Once done vibrate these names below as mantras


Once done close you’re eyes and envision your imaginative vision entering into the blackness of the gateway again this time emerging from the formless blackness are two large serpents. You may even hear a growling of hunger, the gnashing of teeth or the hissing of serpents. Once observed or their presence felt/recognised turn your focus back to yourself, breathe in deeply and as you do that slowly, hold your intention and focus on what you wish to be rid of.

If its emotions visualise and feel a build up of dark murky oily emotional energy building in your heart chakra, hold the breath for a few seconds as you allow those emotions to make themselves prevalent to you affecting you and overwhelming you for the last time. These emotions need to be experienced and confronted before i exorcised, as you breathe out feel it flood out of your chest centre into the gateway before you.

If its memories or thoughts you can visualise you’re third eye region building with that same noxious substance and face those thoughts, that memory or trauma one last time before exorcising it. If its something else or a combination of things id suggest feeling and envisioning you’re whole being building up that noxious essence, confront and focus on what you want gone. You must be willing to let go however and really confront them, finally breathe out deeply and let it go into the gate.

This may take a few exorcising breaths depending upon the nature and quantity of that which you seek to be free off, once done and you begin to feel as if you’re free of that heaviness state the following.

“I exorcise all that binds me, all that hinders me,
I exorcise (personal choice placed here)
So it shall no longer affect me, hear me now.
O’devouring ophidians of the gate,
Ra’tu and Karl’fule, take what i rid myself off as
An offering and a feast onto you both”.

Once done place your right hand over your heart centre, connect to the place of your security within yourself, connect to that dormant power, strength and will that lurks inside you and state

“Free i am, free at last, free i am, free at last.
I exorcise negativity and welcome positivity,
I banish stagnation and welcome change,
I cleanse myself that limitation and welcome potential”

Invocation Of Strength - Entry Three.

Connected to the gate, slight alterations within yourself happening and now free of that which binds you, we will now be invoking the strength of King Bael, the keeper of the gate through the gate itself. Repeat the first exercise as before once done, state the following below.

“I call onto King Bael, Baal, Ruler Of A’arab Zaraq,
The ravens of dispersion take flight as you rise,
Hear me now, keeper of the gate, lord of sword
And shield, come to me and arise from beyond
This ancient gate, come and give onto me the strength,
Required to pursue my becoming and my unfolding”.

Begin vibrating the names below as mantras


As you vibrate the mantras envision a strong thunderous flashing energy begins emitting in the blackness of the gate, this is the energy of Bael the storm fiend, the ruler of A’arab Zaraq, demonic king and gatekeeper. Breathe in this energy through the ray of the third eye, feel and envison his energy flooding throughout you’re whole being. As it does state the following

“I take Bael’s energy as my own,
I take Baal’s strength as my own,
I assume strength in heart, body, soul,
Spirit and mind, the strength to endure.
The strength to survive, the strength to pursue,
The strength to conquer and thrive.
I invoke thee Bael, enter my body,
Enter my heart, enter my mind, rise upon the altar
Of my immortal eternal soul and fortify my being.
Fortify the body and spirit, the heart and mind,
So i may walk the path of life and magick,
Victorious and successful in my pursuits
and my endeavours”.

Once stated breathe in that energy, sit with it and feel how it strengthens you in almost everyway, you’re will, emotions, you’re mind, all things strong and you have a new found source of strength and clarity ready to tackle all that you throw yourself into, know that the strength of the warrior, the ruler and king Bael is within you now. Take it all in and do not end the meditation of these energies until you have obtained the realisation of the internal shifts made within you.

Mirror Mirror In The Void - Entry Four.

Once again begin the first exercise this time project your awareness back into the gateway, face the moving and formless black sulphuric essence before you now. Know that the void can act as medium of sorts which reflects to the observer whatever they must see. Call out to your higherself, be it you’re divine self, godself, whatever you want to call it, to come to you.

“I call onto the self above this self,
I call onto my higherself, i seek thy guidance,
Show me the way forward in my path,
Guide me in the pursuit of my goals.
Reflect upon the windows of void that which
I must know and see, bring clarity to the
Labyrinths of my perception that which i must see”.

Anyone who’s been in states such as these knows that the signal to your higherself and the projections and the obtainment of visions are intensified. Whatever plays in that internal screen of yours, allow it to develop naturally do not dismiss it as pure imagination nor as wishful thinking, know that what you’re seeing, is indeed what you’re seeing.

Once you received whatever you needed to see or even what you may even been told, write it down as its crucial to you and you’re path forward and the terms of you’re development towards you’re ambitions and goals.

Unification Limitless Potential - Entry Five.

You’re going to need a bloodletting tool such as a lancet also a small heatproof bowl or plate, ethanal or Isopropyl alcohol and about three written affirmations of what you seek. These affirmations can be anything such as wealth, money, sex, love, beauty, attraction, opportunities, success etc.

Now you’re going to offer a drop or two of your own blood onto the gateway, its also recommended that you also anoint the affirmations in your blood too and as you do so, open it and connect to it as done before, once done state the following.

“I give onto the gateway of hamidah my blood,
I call upon Bael the keeper of the gate,
I rouse forth the hosts of the void and
The emissaries of primordial khaos hear me now”.

Place your hands together in a prayer mudra facing towards the gate and say the following.

“Umeda avrak el sha dah kume evra”

Recite the above chant no less than five times as you do so envision, a black light emerge from the gateway and fill up the entire environment. Know that this is the acausal black light of the void, this is the emanation of limitless potential and power made manifest. Sit amidst this black light visualise it swarming around you a vortex of blackened fiery light. As you breathe in feel this mass of black light nears you as you breathe out sense how it moves away, keep this up getting used to it in your auric field/torodial field. Notice the impressions it leaves on you as it begins gaining a critical mass around you.

Once it reaches its energetic peak and starts to overwhelm you, inhale deeply envisioning it enter through the crown of your head. As you breathe out it floods through the rest of your beings, visualise this black light being absorbed into every fibre of your physical being. Your flesh, your blood, veins, nerves, your bones, deep in the marrow, into your muscles, the pores of your skin, your bodily fluids, hairs, follicles, every inch of your physical anatomy.

Through visualisation and breath work pull that black light into your subtle bodies, chakras, energy pathways, nadis, meridians, auric field etc. Until you are vibrating pure raw power, energy and potentiality and state the following.

“I unify myself with my limitless potential,
I ignite my infinite nature and awaken the flames
Of ascent within the furnace of divinity within me”.

Once done hold with your both hands the gateway, breathe in and literally suck as much of the black light out of the image forcefully as much as your being will allow. Once done ignite the ethanol or Isopropyl alcohol, hold up the gateway and state.

“I burn the gateway of hamidah and transfer
The embers of the void into this fire of magick,
Fuel all powers herein”.

Burn the gateway therein and burn each affirmation as you speak them outloud as you do so, once spoken outloud state.

“These are the things i manifest here and now
In my reality, i fuel the fire of my desire with this power”.

Hands towards the kindling fire push that blackened light into the flame whilst you project into the fire you’re intention, will and desire to manifest these things and to be free of all that binds you, united with the power and limitless potential of the void.

Simply state “so it is done” allow yourself to smile hell even laugh, any form of rejoice is important knoe that you can now move forward in your mundane life and other magickal undertaking with supreme ease and with the guidance you’ve obtained, free and exorcised of all that hindered you and now empowered and altered internally through these series of minor small workings you can now tackle any task or magickal undertaking you seek.

I’d suggest doing this over the course of five days its important to leave time inbetween each exercise and minor working, this is only a mere fraction of what this gateway/talisman is truly capable off this isnt even the surface.



That’s a lot of useful words there :sweat_smile: I just wanted to comment so that new people interested in something like this don’t miss out.


would it be good to repeat this working a few times?

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The zero demension is related to the void?

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