Unknown symbol/ entity/sigil: Enochian?


I’ve quickly looked through some references and was wondering if you could help me with this one.

Is anyone familiar with this sigil/symbol? I’m particularly interested in the symbol under the A in the bottom cresent (the part that looks like a scripty ( I 3 3 J) Does it represent a particular entity? Does anyone know which one? Does anyone have any experience with this entity?

The reason I’m asking is that I’m seeing it while scrying with my eyes closed. It just appears, and it appears in a way that’s hard to describe and different than I’m used to. (kind of dark and burnt in like a brand rather than a figure that develops out of fog). It looks like it represents an angel and it appears that the entity is trying to get my attention…

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

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I feel like this is coming from a ceremonial magick paradigm

EDIT: Just removed a dumbass response. Saw what I wanted to read instead of properly reading the actual f’ing post. My bad.

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VERY interesting! I hadn’t thought of anything like that…

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Found one like it and it was from this site. Occult Magic on the Money (Part 2) | Revelation Now
I placed the one you posted right under so we can compare I’m willing to bet it’s Masonic have we got a mason in the house who can verify the origin of this as theirs? Judging by the type face I’m willing to guestimate 17 th century, or made to look like it.

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Curiouser and curiouser…


Oh it gets better they mystery is even deeper here is some Stuff on Pinterest. The whole style says to me solomonic magick so that’s what it seems like to me I’m actually fairly certain I have seen these in some of those works. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/492229434249369656/


Here are some more clues… The mystery is starting to unravel eh? What's the Real Secret Magic in the Magic Square? - The Hidden Secrets in Albrecht Durer's Art and Life

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Further down the rabbit hole… http://www.thebabylonmatrix.com/index.php?title=911:Magic_Squares_and_Sigils

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Ok got some more… Redirect Notice


Vaerthay entaresting!!!

Thanks so much!!! I could do this all night but I gotta go to work in the am…

“I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go…” : )

Thanks again!

I’ll pick this up again tomorrow… I love starting points! AND I love Albrect Durer anyhoo…I’m a sucker for Flemish art…


I had a good blood hounding session on this earlier I can find pictures of this but no real info on the sigils or marks themselves apparently this comes from a book by Athansius Kircher called the Oedipus Aegyptiacus which was something to do with his study of the Bembine tablet and I think from what I read it was kirchers attempt at desciphering egyption writing which was proven innacurate in later times however some of the sigils relate to astrological signs.

Just what I gleaned from this mornings foray anyway