Unity without a Unit

Thank you…I appreciate it because I am learning so much from it and it DOES help

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I agree with you on this…

Just a tip; when formulating and explaining theory it helps if it makes a modicum of sense and does not sound like a rendition of Mad Hatter’s “if I had a world of my own”. :+1:

First this:

Now this:

And now I’m confused.

“Better world"dependent on the individual " Unity without a Unit” was simply the idea of possibly working our art together for a like-minded common goal and then dispersion but still communicating with each other to discuss results of Magickal Workings with each other.

Did that clarify it for you?


Similarly to what I’ve been watching on YouTube…BALG Authors/Magicians have been doing this and are so enlightened and amazing to me for that and it inspires me to want to do that so I don’t see anything wrong with anything.I really don’t believe believe in “right” or “Wrong” the lines blur for me a little however so long as I have my intentions and others have similar ones or the same ones,I’d love to work with them.

And I will never apologize because I’ve done nothing wrong but I just love the judgements

That has been on my mind alot lately. Thanks for your post, and even though there may not be as much unity in the rhp community as you may think, I think you’re right about what you posted. It makes no sense.

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The things I hear about aren’t what I’ve been seeing until I posted this

Now I believe I have an understanding

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A lot of people claim they agree with individual thought yet as soon as someone posts something misunderstood and an individual thought at that,Forwarded posts I’ve made and judgemental comments are hilarious to me because instead of what Lady Eva said which I learned a lot from and read a lot over to fully grasp what she gave me what, I see as the gift of knowledge and appreciate it.Yet my thoughts quickly became to me a trial or a inquisition instead of the desire to understand or learn even more…

And that seems to be a problem because how could a group of people get together and perform Evocation as a unit for the same life struggle or thing desired if they are being viewed as something incorrect.I don’t care what anyone thinks or feels about me or what I say unless I could work with them or learn from them. So I post and observe,listen to and communicate with others to the best of my understanding ;However, I DO care how it effects my life and my family if directly.I have been wondering if others that have the same/similar goals to change their reality in that way…As others have already made wonderful works, Compendiums and they have been so important to me and I am seeking that.I also would love to speak to others that ARE on a similar path sort of consultations without having to pay so much.This information IS so valuable to me and sharing certain information in my opinion ,should be payment enough for possible consults.Magicians on different levels of their Journey sharing information and ritual with those wanting to learn more and create more works that can change THEIR worlds for what. The similar/same mindset that is shared and desired success of whatever The Goal among the “group’s” perception of what a better group of Universes in their perception…whatever that may be.A overall "Better World " Unity with my true self is very Important to me and I seek others that just want the same things in what they are doing in their works as well.
My journey and experiences mingle and mend with others’ a Lot and Unity is what it means to you as an individual.

I don’t care whether the rest of the world believes what I do…exception would be positive this is only my opinion and I say nothing as “fact” unless it is a fact.( my opinion obviously isn’t a fact nor is anyone else’s opinion) Your Posts have been helping me learn and think more and grow and I just thought to let you know of it.I actually admire your power and your Knowledge and want to discuss a lot more with you.No one and everyone is “Boss” of their own “Universe” and E.A. Koetting said that and I agree with him on that.I believe I was misunderstood a bit but I do thank you.Your posts even on other topics have been helpful,informative and It is extended appreciation for sharing your success on this forum.

You decide what is needed by an entire community of free beings?

But that’s what this forum is for, no?

I don’t understand this either.

Not really, cause I don’t see what you want to change. Everything you mentioned now does already exist. There have been group rituals initiated on this very forum for example.

So is it acceptance of the masses you want? Simply judging by your profile picture you live in a society that already does let individuals do their thing. (Tell me if I’m wrong!)
You will ALWAYS receive judgement from some people if you tell them what you do. Some don’t like wizards and witches, some dont like christians, some don’t like rugby players. Be ready for a debate if you tell someone what you are doing, but you have your reasons, so that should not be a problem. People might stop liking you, but they’re not gonna throw you off a building.

I only speak of my perceptions and I think in Dual and Dialectical way.I meant collaborations among fellow Magicians.Not an overall Unified,Uniformed Cult…
If my beliefs are weird to an individual then they’re weird to them and I believe that what is actually is not and what Is not …Is.I ideally don’t see Magick as black or white or anything other than Magick.Ifa person could be in one place and Evoked to many locations at the same time while don’t see why I haven’t met anyone or spoken with a I do believe that can be done and will depending upon the Magician…However I’ve read that this can be done and has been achieves…How could that be achieved if the person being evoked Hasn’t found that Balanced Chaos that I mentioned?If I could be everywhere everywhere and Nowhere At the Same time then I feel and have the strong belief/mindset that will have me continue on My path.I appreciate every post on this Topic as To me Everyone is correct

I have issues socially everywhere that I go.I pursue the Arts to change myself inwardly so my external is important to me.I couldn’t seem to communicate with others the correct way or quickly enough.This is my first actual Forum I’ve ever joined and it means a lot to have the opportunity to speak with and learn from others’ Work and would assist anyone if I can with my experiences and Successes even my shortcomings someone who wants to use the powers that I believe in and reach towards and have periodically my whole life which I have gravitated towards the “Type” of Magick that I believe will be most effective for me to accomplish that change in myself…I want to unify my Soul/Mind/Etheral Self with what I perceive and have read of as being “The Infernal Empire”,I want to Change my Soul and I believe and have seen,Others have seen that they are as well…those who haven’t studied and have only watched at videos learn a different way than others and at all different pace of course however.I suffer from a few Mental Health Issues that affect how quickly I comprehend and some problems with retention of information,As well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder(A disproportionate emotional state/ lack of impulsivity in reaction to extreme emotions.)and Intermittent Explosive Disorder(Disproportioned Anger Disorder).I didn’t want to accept these things and still won’t.I’ve behaviorally been training myself and have overcome a lot of the symptomatic ride that I was on before I realized I am the one in the driver seat at all times…No one else. Hence what I meant by “Realizing that I am alone” But I have seen evidence that there are “People” in other realms…not here with Humanity but somewhere else and I really have felt comforted in that then sought out after that which I want to become.I want to transform My Soul so that I can be a Godform.I want to be able to be with and one with The Infernal Empire and am New to Forums and really am trying to explain myself however It is Difficult…Though I encourage others to be critical and themselves and have respect for those who Do teach others a lot.I do have fears but I want to know how I can…Not to escape or run from fear or My fear but I want to be able to call on some “People” whom and that I’d love to build relationships with so that I can go where I want in what I believe and look towards as my next journey through the afterlife and it’ll be eternally and I want those things…
So the “Unity without a Unit” Was about me and The Demons/Gods Becoming…In a way…Married.If Once I Successfully Evoke A Spirit/Demon/God and have substantial communication and Have a Pact with One of them,Even if that being Executes A Task for Me and (I prefer to Return that gift with a sacrifice or a task…I intend to ask him/her what they’d like in Return…I am in no way an expert on anything as I am constantly learning and applying what Knowledge I learn else it is useless in my eyes.
I am Neophyte…but that to me means simply that I am New to "Black"Magick …I think more along the lines of “Dark Magick” but it is not up to me and all up to the individual.
“Praise Be The Self” Is something I feel strongly about.I am explaining everything that I can now.I felt attacked on this forum today because someone who I confused but did not intend to,reacted so forcible of their ideal of which I already understand and agree with.It depends.I was told I wouldn’t really see what E.A. Koetting,J.S. Garret,J.D Temple,Orlee Stewart(She didn’t know that I already was a member and Told me about this Forum today earlier.What she said to me motivated me to even though I felt attacked and Judged or on Trail or Being Tested,Which is a good investment of time and A lot of multitasking that I am otherwise not acclimated to yet but it is proactive mentally and Spiritually… …A list longer of Authors and Excellent Teachers as well that
…I have read Works of and am Still working with and using to continue Doing so…bettering Myself and thus Making Better “My World”.I enjoy making others smile or laugh as I escape reality briefly by goofing off.I have been studying the Draconian Path and Qlipoth which is Primarily The working system that has worked best for me.But I have ideas and as soon as I was about to ask the Staff about how to figure out how to work on making that a reality but through this reality.The “bickering” That I mentioned,I was hesitant to post it because I really had hoped that this would not exhibit itself.I am aware of what this Forum is for and The Society That I come from having no relevance other than to attempt to validate ones own power by attempting to break another is imperative but unnecessary in my view.I am not on this forum for any reason other than to possibly "walk "next to and with others walking their own “Path” and me “Walking” mine just along side eachother for awhile.I do not know anyone in my State/Region that has any interest at all in the Occult/LHP… I don’t even enjoy to categorize what Path anyone walks.It’s not for me.I don’t want some Apocalyptic Utopia of Evil.I’m not against anyone but always have been at odds with almost every form of “Law” not simply the Police it’s hard for me to speak even think of any Large Named Group of anyone as if every person is acting in any way.
I do apologize ONLY for almost giving in and leaving the forum because of the pressure of the social structure that I didn’t see within the limits of making me actually feel Outcast,Black Sheep yet again and completely misunderstood.l don’t really care if I am liked or not it isn’t personal on this forum.If something is in the category as a “General Discussion” or “Topic” does it mean just because One doesn’t understand they should be allowed to tell another how to speak,walk,dress,how fast they are allowed to respond to not Criticism which I see as a motivating and mentally stimulating,Inspiring…
I know that I define Myself already through my Works…The Things I create and action to do so.So I’ve learned this years ago…I walk this Path,Alone as it is that this is MY Path so it is for Me to walk.I do not walk my Life Path Alone.I do have people a Family of my choosing and my immediate family who recently have accepted that though I am practicing something they don’t understand fully and at first really did shun,assume,and try to force their beliefs harder on me until I was able to break through to them and was actually allowed to without bias or Judgement, explained to them that Instead of behavior that is inactively detrimental to myself and others and I am relieved to actually be heard.I am grateful for that.My Mom Is Religiously
Is A Catholic however that doesn’t matter.I think what Religion or Group or None at all It doesn’t seem to whatever one works for a person should be Up to them without the Pressure…