Unique situation and I need help - Cursing and winning Lawsuits

So about a week ago, a very close family friend that I have grown up with and shared lots of fond memories with, his grandpa got into a car accident. Both people involved in the crash (grandpa and the guy he hit) are physically fine and pretty much unhurt. But even though, the guy that his grandpa hit is filing a lawsuit against my friends grandfather. Stating a bunch of bullshit of how he is traumatized and is emotionally scarred, and other absolute BS. The worst part, is that this person is a very successful person (not gonna say his career) who is very financially well off and has connections. Corrupt prick. He is going after my grandpa so he can fill his already deep pockets. Fuck this guy. Anyway, how can I curse the guy so that he can fuck off with the lawsuit, and maybe harm him a little bit as well? Nothing serious just to shake him and make his life hell for a few weeks. Let me know. Or what would you guys think is the best course of action?

Better Call belial😼

I would contact the Belial to control the way you want the lawsuit to go. I would contact haures to cause a string of accidents and bad health Use the goetia pathworking book by corwin hargrove if you need direction in how to contact the demons.Its a easy ritual.

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