Understanding the concept of a god and how apotheosis relates

So different mythologies portray their gods differently. The Christian god is supposedly “Omnipotent”, “Omniscient”, “Omnipresent”, “Omnibenevolent”, and immortal. All of which can be argued. So basically, all that happens in the world is supposedly “God’s Will,” or “Part of God’s Plan.” So this means anything bad is either caused by, or could’ve been prevented by, God himself. So to survive, you need to get on his good side. Let’s say you’re someone who’s never heard of Christianity. Someone explains this to you. What’s the more logical reaction than to compare it to mob racketeering.

“That’s a good life you got there. Be a shame if something happened to it. We all know the world can be a dangerous place. So you’re gonna need some protection. I can offer it to you. But it’ll cost ya. How about we make a covenant?”

No matter how you look at it, God is a tyrant. He is, according to his followers, technically in charge of every aspect of the universe and all that happens in it. Your husband loses his job. God willed it. Your child was born with a weak lung. God willed it. Your mother passes away. God willed it. Your best friend got into an accident. God willed it.

Along side that, many of these tragedies are often considered tests of your faith in him. How does that make sense? God willingly brings misfortune into your life, or takes the life of someone closest to you, and it’s all to see whether or not you’ll believe in him? And what happens if you lose your faith? Will he kill you too?

The Norse gods seem to be different. They are not immortal. They can die. They can grow old. They require magic fruit to remain young. They possess power over nature, but that power is not omnipotent. In fact, the fact Odin travels around searching for greater knowledge and power, the various things he does and sacrifices he makes to obtain it, proves the gods are still subject to an uncaring chaotic universe. And this truth is shown in how fate is considered absolute. Even the gods are destined to die. So they are neither all powerful, all knowing, or even immortal. Let alone all present and always good. So this means the Norse gods aren’t gods in the sense other societies define. They are instead just super powerful magical beings. In fact, what they are by race are Jotun.

Odin is known as the god of wisdom, though he doesn’t always act wise. The Norse weren’t the sort to constantly excuse, justify, or hide the misbehavior of their gods. However, Odin is called the god of wisdom because he seeks it out. Odin is ambitious, greedy for knowledge, preferably of the arcane. He isn’t some all knowing figure who gives counsel to those who want to do good for others. In fact, Odin is quite selfish. He seeks knowledge for himself. Some he’ll share and some he won’t. He isn’t a figure of reason and virtue, nor is he a pinnacle of madness and cruelty. In a way, Odin is a representation of man in his quest to overcome the elements and manage to not only survive, but thrive. Odin is man’s ambition for power and knowledge. The very drive to triumph over the forces that stand against us. Odin is a warrior because man must fight to survive. Odin is a scholar because man must gain knowledge. Odin is a magician because man must apply knowledge to create change. Odin is a poet because man must record their struggles. And Odin welcomes the slain for they have earned a place at their table simply for taking on the struggle. Odin is neither a good god or evil god because he doesn’t bother to make such distinctions. He knows the world is not black and white, that man must be shrewd to rationalize when it is good to be kind and when it is good to be cruel.

While the Christian god is supposedly this all powerful entity who is the source of both all good and all evil, the Norse gods seem to be entities existing in a chaotic universe where all things are subject to entropy and decay, but who hold the power to fight back. The notion of apotheosis in Christian mythology is considered Blasphemous because “No one must be hire than God.” However, it appears absolutely necessary because of how God runs the world he supposedly rules over. As far as Norse mythology goes, it seems that while apotheosis is unheard of in the myths, it doesn’t appear too bad. For a man (or woman) to join the gods as an equal seems to be, not only reasonable, but also complimentary in that one who does has followed in Odin’s example. God demands that men kneel down and be humble, for only the meek and subservient may be allowed in Heaven. But Odin demands that men rise up and be proud, for only the strong and proven may feast with the gods. Climb the rainbow bridge. Storm the gates of Asgard. Walk up to Odin and look him in the eye. He’ll smile and welcome you to his hall.