Uncrossing?! Help!


Jason Miller has some great advice here and E.A. has made some videos in the past about defending yourself against curses.

what are your dreams like when you sleep. do you ever hear gun shots in your dream or dream of people chasing you.before the death spell manifests in the physichal you will see it in the dream two or three days before it manifests. your soul inside your body will alarm you.the dark forces will plant bad luck during the sleep period.if your offered food in the dream dont take it or eat it.the sleep state is the meeting point for spirits.it has to subdue the human spirit in the sleep state.from what ive been reading is that witches cant stand and will run away from is the Black Sulphur element not the light yellow type.the book say this element is hard to find.salt water from the sea will banish witches for 12 hours



Here is an uncrossing ritual I have used for myself and others. The ingredients are simple to get and Moloch does an excellent job explaining the principles of what you’re trying to do with the uncrossing as well as provides some alternative combinations of ingredients for uncrossing work.

Uggh… baths are no can do to due to water restrictions where I live. I try to free up space for the ritual but I am already using a lot for my altar to Hathor. I doubt this is a curse caused by someone else but the by product of alot of negative upbringings.

Aren’t there like positive tapes or some shit that can reprogram your mind to think better. Basically I suffer from illusions of Grandeur (even though I am aware they are illusions) and constant negative thoughts and cynicism.

[quote=“SinisterShadow, post:10, topic:5018”]Uggh… baths are no can do to due to water restrictions where I live. I try to free up space for the ritual but I am already using a lot for my altar to Hathor. I doubt this is a curse caused by someone else but the by product of alot of negative upbringings.

Aren’t there like positive tapes or some shit that can reprogram your mind to think better. Basically I suffer from illusions of Grandeur (even though I am aware they are illusions) and constant negative thoughts and cynicism.[/quote]

Just bought a new mp3- player so i can record my own mind reprogramming tapes, and try to listen them when sleeping : D. So that’s a good idea to consider. Probably if you google or search youtube there are ready to go tapes too.

Uggh… baths are no can do to due to water restrictions where I live. I try to free up space for the ritual but I am already using a lot for my altar to Hathor. I doubt this is a curse caused by someone else but the by product of alot of negative upbringings.

There is a way to utilize a bath during a water shortage. Brew your bath and place it into a spray bottle (generic the kind you grab next to mops and cleaners at the department stores/super markets) and spray yourself down with the concentrate, sleep with it on your skin and the next day rinse off and repeat the process for a set number of days.

I’m one who views the Mind, Body and Spirit as inter-related, an imbalance in one can prevent the others from performing to their expectations. You and I have talked anout this before and I’ll advise you again that you need to seek aid for the other issues that caused problems for your life. An Uncrossing is more than just a spiritual act, it is a point of reset. You can be successfully uncrossed and fall back into the same situation if you do not actively work to change the situation you are in, just as an addict who successfully finishes rehab can relapse if he does not change his lifestyle and environment.


And don’t forget ; you get what you put in. Poor effort and subpar rituals will get you subpar results.

Exactly, regardless of what method you learn on this thread or elsewhere that you want to try you need to put yourself completely into it as well as the results you want.

Not really, I spent thousands of dollars on this shit, gone through hundreds of candles and countless evocations and it really has not affected the areas in life I wanted to. If fact Im about to give this shit up completely… a person can only put so much effort into something before their failure threshold is exceeded. Hell I made a massive pact with Belial and really did not get shit from it despite pretty much bringing handfuls of people to his doorstep.

Its been only two days since I set up my altar to Hathor and I am already out of candles and going through incense like crazy. And also, despite getting a positive reading continued signs of devotion will not guarantee success. More than likely in a month and half from now when the time is up I will be rewarded with silence or the “what you want really isn’t right for you” cop out bullshit answer I tend to get.

“If hard work equaled success this country would be run by Mexican leaf-blowers”

Then you’ve been doing something wrong. You can’t buy magical effort. Expensive stuff doesn’t replace the magician having a good grasp of the basics of magic.
Those who truly work hard do get rewarded in magic. You have to work to open your senses, you have to work to get your divination skills good, you have work on your concentration/attention span, you have to work to… do anything.

If you think burning lots of candles, incense, and buying stuff makes magic work, you’ve missed out on the most basic of magic lessons. The magician has a lot of work to do in order to access the powers and spirits that be.

Hathor’s currency is love, not gifts you seem on some level to resent giving. Writing her a poem would be a more serious statement of intent and building a bridge than showering burnable items and then getting annoyed when you tally up the cost.

There’s no worse way to approach any spirit than to gift them with something and then resent it! They don’t need candles because no-one pays the leccy bills in heaven, they enjoy the love and freely given sacrifices, so resenting it afterwards is akin to giving a gift then demanding it back.

More than likely in a month and half from now when the time is up I will be rewarded with silence or the "what you want really isn't right for you" cop out bullshit answer I tend to get.

I think we’ve all heard that sometimes, the challenge you put back on the spirit is to ask them what they think you “should” want - the truly helpful ones will tell you (this is a good time to enter student-mode and listen) and if they’re jerking you about, they’ll say something vague or try to brush you off.

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I wish to give u a recipe,but i will like to knw,exactly,wT is you case,enemies,roomates,land,spirts,etc,so share some details,all i get is im crossed,help, im helping a person,who was cross by a santa muerte,a santera,and bruja,buried things,got found,things were trow in her house,powers, i did tell her, get a glass whit sea salt,and vinegar,as a trap,get mint,and garlic to bath,and put things under bed,plus a rum,holywater,etc,results,are slow,but better,i fight them,now im sure,tey are good mavicians here,so get going,sadly most magicians,donot espend a lot of time on them,good luck

So, while I was reading this, and got a bit of spontaneously-revealed wisdom. I guess I’ll pass it on: here’s a suggestion one or more of my familiars seem to have on this matter:

“Go forth and find a natural spring with a peaceful energy; it needs not be a large stream. You shall know a suitable one when you see it. Walk across the stream, from one end to the other, three times – this will break the connections with the external. Thereafter, anoint yourself with the water from the stream to wash away the unwanted remnants.”

Have you still not managed to uncross yourself?

I keep having dreams of me running from something. This makes sense.

The link is no longer working

Do an LBRP and pray to The Archangel Michael

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I’ve had this issue and if you feel crossed I would stop doing rituals for some time, sleep with the light on (as entities attack by night) and find a good healer. Good healers usually don’t take much money and you will find proof that clients get healed from diseases (like cancer) and all sorts of problems by them. There are quite a few of them (but unfortunately many more scammers). Never pay large amounts of money to healers but of course free stuff, is usually trash too.
Problem is many tell you to sustain from working with entities, so you need to know for yourself.
If you are truly crossed, everyone will treat you disrespectfully and tell you all sorts of sh… what to do, even laugh or not take you seriously. That’s part of it unfortunately to keep you from getting the right help. It really depends on how strong and why you have been crossed.
Spiritual Baths only help for a short amount time in my experience. Normal Magicians will tell you to think positively and that sh… but you know it just doesn’t work under difficult circumstances and you will also not be able to uncross yourself.
As I say, it depends on why and how extreme the situation is.

It is usually better to find a very pure person with a healing spirit to take you under their natural protection.

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I have been looking into uncrossing or remove a curse that it was sent BY ME ! I already saw results that I’m ok with it and and don’t want to ir to go further … can someone help me on that ?

Just an idea, but you could call on opfaal to deliver them from your curse.