Uncrossing?! Help!

I keep having dreams of me running from something. This makes sense.

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Do an LBRP and pray to The Archangel Michael

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I’ve had this issue and if you feel crossed I would stop doing rituals for some time, sleep with the light on (as entities attack by night) and find a good healer. Good healers usually don’t take much money and you will find proof that clients get healed from diseases (like cancer) and all sorts of problems by them. There are quite a few of them (but unfortunately many more scammers). Never pay large amounts of money to healers but of course free stuff, is usually trash too.
Problem is many tell you to sustain from working with entities, so you need to know for yourself.
If you are truly crossed, everyone will treat you disrespectfully and tell you all sorts of sh… what to do, even laugh or not take you seriously. That’s part of it unfortunately to keep you from getting the right help. It really depends on how strong and why you have been crossed.
Spiritual Baths only help for a short amount time in my experience. Normal Magicians will tell you to think positively and that sh… but you know it just doesn’t work under difficult circumstances and you will also not be able to uncross yourself.
As I say, it depends on why and how extreme the situation is.

It is usually better to find a very pure person with a healing spirit to take you under their natural protection.

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I have been looking into uncrossing or remove a curse that it was sent BY ME ! I already saw results that I’m ok with it and and don’t want to ir to go further … can someone help me on that ?

Just an idea, but you could call on opfaal to deliver them from your curse.


13 days to really get it off. I’ve used Brother Moloch’s cleansing ritual some years ago and had great success with. You should check out @DarkestKnight mantras. I’ve started it a week ago upon waking & I’m definitely feeling a shift in the right direction. Good luck


Wondering if he ever got uncrossed :thinking:

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Thank you