Unbinding Spell

So, I don’t know if this is the right thread to post this on…but for the longest time I have had a suspicion that someone I know has put a binding spell of some sort on a friend. Now I don’t have proof for sure, Im going purely by intuition…so my question is, does anyone have a way of finding out for sure if this is done? like does anyone know of a spell that would confirm if my intuition is right?..Im not looking to work with any demons or deities for this particular working, I just want something clean and simple.

Also…if it turns out that a binding spell was cast…does anyone know of a way to remove it?

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Most forms of divination can do it easily.

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@Dankquanicus I didn’t even think of that!!..im mostly experienced in tarot as a form of divination…is there a spread or other form of divination you would recommend?

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Tarot is good if you can use it. A one card spread, but making it more complex can also be useful. For example, pulling another card for what the effects of the curse are, and another for details about the person behind it, and another one for how to remove it effectively, if you know how to use the information it would give.

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Ok, that’s helpful, thank you

No problem!