Un-baptizing myself



Thank you, this is a great idea and very, very helpful. I seriously appreciate it and your empathy! Have a great evening :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your help. However, I was not the one who started this. I was not the one coming on to other people’s posts and name-calling strangers. I don’t feel like I’m the issue here, am I not supposed to defend myself? Why am I the only one getting scolded?


Thank you for your input!

Thank you, this gave me great ideas!

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I’m scolding everyone. :smiley:

Now go forth and sin no more. :love_you_gesture: :smiling_imp:


Not so very different from the same pool or tub of water that churches or synagogues use to baptise people. It’s the psychological aspect that’s important. So, you could definitely try again. :slight_smile: You might want to even design your own “reverse baptism” ritual, with Lucifer overseeing.

Have you reached out to Lucifer or any other demons to see if you can communicate with them? As one or more of them might be interested in assisting with a reverse baptism, since it’s important to you.

Ultimately a lot of the things that hold sway over us are purely psychological. Which is why, again, it might be helpful to design a reverse baptism ritual that you can really immerse yourself in, ritualistically.

I was baptised as a very young child. I wasn’t raised religiously, it was just a social custom, and I was never given the choice about whether I wished to baptised or not. Being baptised has had precisely zero effect on my ability to communicate with demons or get results. So no stress, I am sure you can figure out the best way to cut the cords and move forward :+1: Good luck!


May I say something?

Sometimes, as humans, we may not think outside of the box to an others situation. A lot of the time we are dealing and healing from our shit.

While I do not feel the need to apologize for my own opinions - I do feel we cut cords differently. A lot of times we can and will have what I call spiritual 2x4’s hit us on the head that lead is in the direction we need to go.

Maybe what you think “unbaptizing” is another meaning for shadow work, as basically in my honest opinion, shadow work is unbaptizing myself. In the religious context of my life, I am a High Priestess - and I am still working through my dogma.

Yes, it took my main Goddess to hit me over the head and I am grateful for it, as I broke an oath and now have to recommit myself to my path. And my oath.

But unbaptizing yourself is and will be more than just a ritual - be forewarned, there is a lot of fucking work that comes with cutting cords and getting over the dogma.

And yes, I will admit - name calling has absolutely no place within and neither does extremely attacking each other.