Umm so...what creature pretends to be someone you know?

I’m British and I must admit we have a potential for snobbery

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@AshtaNoe let us know if it happens again. I’m super curious.

I will.

I tried googling some things to see any beings are heavily associated with mocking the voices of loved ones to lure you.
But like, surprisingly little comes up lol

Skinwalkers are Navajo people often called witches who achieved shapeshifting into various animals by some means, often said to keep to themselves. Physical people rather than “spirits”


There is a documentary on either Netflix or Hulu about a place called skin walker ranch
I know the tv show is on Hulu, that’s ongoing there are four episodes so far.
Definitely worth a watch.
For you and for like everyone

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I have had THOSE experiences many times…like my name being called when no one is around me or hearing other “people” talking shit about me when i’m trying to fall asleep or even (rarer) hearing strange things in daytime. I also have had a very scary and horrible experiences with shapeshifter spirits who always pretend to be my boyfriend, shapeshift into him and then play mind tricks on me and try to lure me in many ways and forms to get to me and suck my energy by scaring me.
There can be all sorts of spirits who can pretend to be your family and people you know. It can be just astral larvae, astral parasites and energy vampires, who try to scare you and suck your energy, it can be also trickster mischevious spirits who just like to “play” and scare people for fun and causing us to be scared and afraid and feed off of it.
My advice to you would be to just ignore it as much as you can and try to shut it off and don’t give much attention to it ( even though i know it is very hard sometimes not to think about these things). Give the less attention and energy to feed off for them. Cleanse the house with sage and salt water as much as you can, also you can do lesser banishing ritual of pentagram which adviced by many(altough haven’t worked for me and did quite the opposite😒) becouse when you draw pentagrams in the air it also represents a portal, from which all spirits can come trough, so drawing pentagrams in the air actually doesn’t banish much and can even intensity paranormal . If you are practising any magick rituals or exercises you immediately attract attention of all the spirits, becouse they feel the energy moving and are attracted to it for different reasons. So you kind of have to live by the chance of things like this happening all the time and learn to live like this is “normal”.
Other advice would be for you to try just to close your energy as much as you can. Don’t be open to energies and spirit communication, try to shut it off, try not to be “aware” of it, if you want to sleep in “peace”. Try saying in your mind, that you don’t want to see or hear anything, put up “walls” in your mind. It has worked for me for some time at least… Ofcourse strange things come and go from time to time. But i think most of us people with psychic sensitivity have to deal with all these strange things more or less.


My dog likes to pretend she’s my dead grandmother sometimes but I know it’s a ruse when she says things like, “Iam, fetch me a hot dog from the refrigerator.”


Also advice would be of you being more aware of your thoughts and energy, becouse negative thoughts and energy bring about more negative spirits, so if you are thinking negative, arguing much in the house, or the energy in your house is very unbalanced that can be also the case. If you have the power of manifesting things more easily with thoughts and magick be more cautios and careful of what you think, speak and do.

For example: as my manifesting powers grew i can no longer(want) or watch anything negative like movies with violance or anything that is very violant, scary, teaumatic, becouse it affects me in a much more intense way and i cannot longer even sing a song with words like"satan, lucifer…" - the song from band ghost"kiss the go goat" - becouse few times after i sing it i got attacked by negative spirits at night and heard many people screaming like in hell and some being in non human voice laughing very sinisterly like satan.
I know fully understand, that i have full responsability for my thoughts, actions and my words and i need to be very careful with everything that i do, think or say. And most people also, but they don’t realise this. Few days ago i watched scary movie and then later got exact same thing like in movie at night, and understood that i did that for myself, i manifested it.


Hello AshtaNoe

Cleaning your home with sage smoke,salt water & banishing will certainly help as Ametista stated.
Put salt in all the corners of every room of your house.
Burn incense & oils to help raise the vibration.
If you have it florida water is very useful.
Chanting or playing aloud enns or mantras of Entities that you trust to protect you can help.
A spray bottle can be enchanted with water, grapefruit oil, salt, lemon oil to make a basic spritz to cleanse your aura.
With regards to any attempted unwanted attachments,
Wash the following points with salt water to help remove the attachment, the back of your skull,neck there is a small opening where the spine connects.
The top of your crown, face, stomach.
Its surprising how much this simple action helps.
The aim is to raise your vibration higher.
I have noticed lower level parasitic entities have a low vibration. Singing bowl can also help.
I hope this helps you.:hibiscus:


Excellent advice :hibiscus:


A small piece of advice don’t assume satin or Lucifer would do anything negative to you if you have a bad pre conception of them it’s more likely that somthing negative would occur. I’d also try contacting your higher self and ask them to protect you from these things and for help keeping your mind positive.


Didn’t have to go through so much trouble to tell me my auto correct messed up…

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Sorry, I’m a bit of a Grammar Nazi, and I didn’t know if it were auto-correct or if you legitimately weren’t aware.

When you start to fall asleep , you enter a trance like state , so this could open you to seeing shadows and hearing things , this can also explain why when some people awaken they see shadows and shapes in the dark that look like people .

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No biggie, did you know the person who wrote all of Hitler’s speaches was a Grammer Nazi?

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Thank you for all the answers everyone!!